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Book (stand-alone)Report of the sixteenth session of the Sub-Committee on Fish Trade of the Committee on Fisheries. Busan, Republic of Korea, 4 - 8 September 2017 / Rapport de la seizième session du Sous-Comité du commerce du poisson. Busan (République de Corée), 4 - 8 septembre 2017 / Informe de la 16.ª reunión del Subcomité de Comercio Pesquero del Comité de Pesca. Busán (República de Corea), 4 - 8 de septiembre de 2017 2017The Committee on Fisheries established the Sub-Committee on Fish Trade to serve as a multilateral framework for consultations on international trade in fishery products. The sixteenth session of the Sub-Committee was held in Busan, Republic of Korea, from 4 to 8 September 2017. The Sub-Committee took note of recent developments concerning international trade in fishery products. It also considered specific issues related to international trade and sustainable fisheries development, including: - reduction of fish food loss and waste; - Voluntary Guidelines for Catch Documentation Schemes (CDS); - update on activities related to food quality, safety and market access; - fish trade and the Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora (CITES); and - monitoring the implementation of article 11 of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF). The Sub-Committee for the first time also addressed the following topics: - social sustainability in fisheri es value chains and the link to trade; - the impact of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) on livelihoods, trade, food fish supply and consumption; and - the impact of climate change on future fish supply, trade and consumption.
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