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Chinese version of:FAO.Report of the twenty-fifth session of the Committee on Fisheries. Rome, 24–28 February 2003.FAO Fisheries Report. No. 702. Rome, FAO. 2003. 90p.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    亚太区域渔业和水产养殖现状及潜力 2006 2009
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    The Asia-Pacific region currently produces almost 50 percent of the world’s fish from capture fisheries and over 90 percent from aquaculture, providing food security, revenue and employment to millions. The region is very diverse and considerable differences exist within and among the seas. However, despite this diversity there are also many common trends that will have a large impact on the future of fisheries and aquaculture in the region. One alarming trend is the rapid decline in the status of coastal fishery resources and ecosystems throughout the region. Using regional fishery data and information collated by FAO, this report provides a comprehensive picture of production trends of fisheries and aquaculture and reviews the current status of fisheries resources and aquaculture species and their contribution to national economies and food security. This is illustrated by a detailed view of subregions and aquaculture production by species groups. The report also elaborates on two em erging issues that require close attention to ensure sustainable development of the sector illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and food safety and trade in fisheries and aquaculture.
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    ÊÀ½çÓæÒµºÍË®²úÑøÖ³×´¿ö - 2006 2007
    几十年前,公共行政管理部门的努力集中于发展渔业和水产养殖上,并要保证产量和消费的增长。然后,在上世纪80年代,由于许多资源被完全或过度开发,决策者关注的重点除了水产养殖的发展外,开始转向渔业管理。后来承认在管理中有许多失误,这使得现在粮农组织成员国和其他有关的利益相关者扩大管理办法和治理,即采用综合的法律、社会、经济和政治安排以可持续方式管理渔业和水产养殖,这些在目前看来是管理的必要条件并正成为主要的关注。 水产养殖继续增长,而海洋捕捞渔业 ?在世界范围总计时 ?似乎已达最高限。这种发展不是不可预测的。这构成了大多数讨论和研究关注渔业部门之未来的基本假设。本报告前几期已报告了对该部门的预测。尽管评价这类预测的准确性还为时尚早,但将预测与实际已发生的情况相比较是有意义的。题为?#23637;望?#30340;最后一部分在这方面进行了简要的尝试。为反映水产养殖不断增加的重要性,该部分以水产养殖面临的挑战及机遇的论述作为结尾。该论述是以粮农组织在过去两年进行的全球水产养殖部门前景分析为基础的。

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