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Forests and energy

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    Multiple uses of forest biomass as nature-based solution in order to increase the share of green and renewable energy at the energy matrix of several industries
    XV World Forestry Congress, 2-6 May 2022
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    The Brazilian Tree Industry (Ibá) is the association responsible for institutionally representing the planted tree production chain with its main stakeholders. Ibá represents 50 companies and 9 state entities for products originating from planted trees, most notably wood panels, laminate flooring, pulp, paper, charcoal steel industry and biomass, as well as independent producers and financial investors which together contribute with 7% of Brazil’s industrial Gross Domestic Product.
    The sector holds 9 million hectares of planted trees and 5.9 million hectares for conservation. The total forest area removes carbon from the atmosphere and stores the carbon into six carbon pools with the potential of storing 4,48 bi TCO2e.
    Forest biomass also plays an important role of avoiding carbon emission to the atmosphere when used in industry. By investing in circular bioeconomy this industry has transformed a residue from pulp mills into a source of renewable bioenergy - the black liquor, which represents 69% of the total energy needed by the sector. Adding 20% of forest biomass chip and shavings, the energy matrix of this sector reaches 89% of renewability. Additionally, Brazil is the global leader of charcoal production (12%). 1.8 ton CO2eq is avoided for each ton of pig iron. Such contribution has gained attention from ENDP and GEF, both organizations support an initiative called Sustainable Steelmaking Project - unique from Brazil and that has significant importance in social, environmental and economic aspects. The charcoal industry may also be able to increase energy production by using the gases from pyrolysis through a cogeneration process. Looking at the future, the sector has been investing in innovation to, in the mid-long term, offer bio-oils and 2nd generation ethanol which may contribute mostly for transportation industry – road and aviation. The forest carbon has an innate role at circular economy and provides renewable services and products, especially bioenergy. Keywords: Climate change, Value chain, Innovation ID: 3487071
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    Sostenibilidad de la biomasa forestal para energía y del etanol de maíz y caña de azucar en Paraguay - Sustainability of forest biomass for energy and of ethanol from maize and sugarcane in Paraguay
    Resultados y recomendaciones de la implementación de los indicadores de la Asociación Global para la Bioenergía - Results and recommendations from the implementation of the Global Bioenergy Partnership indicators
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    Este informe presenta los resultados de la aplicación de los indicadores de la GBEP a los dos procesos bioenergéticos prioritarios identificados en Paraguay : biomasa forestal para energía y etanol de maíz y caña de azúcar. El proyecto proporcionó a Paraguay una comprensión de como establecer los medios de un monitoreo periódico a largo plazo del sector de la bioenergía nacional basado en los indicadores de la GBEP. Dicho monitoreo periódico mejoraría el conocimiento y la comprensión de este sector y, en terminos más generales, la forma en que podría evaluarse la contribución de los sectores agrícola y energético al desarrollo sostenible nacional. La implementación de los indicadores GBEP en Paraguay proporcionó, además, una serie de lecciones aprendidas sobre cómo aplicarlas como una herramienta para el desarrollo sostenible y cómo mejorar su practicidad.

    This report presents the results of the implementation of the GBEP indicators in Paraguay, where the project was executed under the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG). The application of the GBEP Sustainability Indicators for Bioenergy to the two priority bioenergy pathways identified in Paraguay – forest biomass for energy, at both household and industrial levels, and ethanol from maize and sugarcane - was entrusted to a team of experts from three leading national Centers of excellence: The Asociación de Docentes Investigadores de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la UNA (ADIFCA), which took the lead on the environmental indicators; the Centro de Estudios Ambientales y Sociales (CEAMSO), which had the primary responsibility over the social indicators; and the Universidad Católica Nuestra Señora de la Asunción (UCA), which led the measurement of the economic indicators. The project provided Paraguay with an understanding of how to establish the means of a long-term, periodic monitoring of its domestic bioenergy sector based on the GBEP indicators. Such periodic monitoring would enhance the knowledge and understanding of this sector and more generally of the way in which the contribution of the agricultural and energy sectors to national sustainable development could be evaluated.

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