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Land Reform : Land settlement and cooperatives 2003/2

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    Land Reform : land settlement and cooperatives 2003/3, Special Edition 2003
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    The papers contained in this issue have been selected from those presented at a series of workshops, held in 2002 in Hungary, Uganda, Mexico and Cambodia, that were organized by the World Bank jointly with the Department for International Development (DFID), the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and with FAO, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the African development Bank (AfDB), the European Union (EU), the International Land Coalition, Oxfam, and other bilateral and multilateral agencies. The purpose of these meetings was to provide input into the World Banks Policy Research Report: Land Policies for Growth and Poverty Reduction, which was prepared under the authorship of Klaus Deininger of the World Banks Development Research Group. Building on the discussions at these workshops, this report (which can be accessed at ) identifies general principles for policies to strengthen tenure security, improve the functioning of land markets and ensure socially desirable land use.
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    Book (series)
    Land Reform: Land settlement and cooperatives 2003/1 2003
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    Readers are invited to submit manuscripts in English, French or Spanish on research and analysis of issues related to land reform, land settlement or cooperatives. Submitted manuscripts are read by members of the Editorial Board and also by outside reviewers. Authors are requested to provide an alphabetical reference list at the end of the article. Please ensure that full bibliographical details are given so that readers can readily find the sources they want to consult: the author(s), y ear of publication, full title of book or article, full journal title, volume and issue number and page numbers of the article or chapter. Please consult the latest issue for format. All references should be cited parenthetically in the text by author and year, e.g. (Riddell, 1988). Authors should provide their full name, affiliation, complete address and telephone number, as well as fax number and electronic mail address if available. Whenever possible, the author is requested to prov ide the document on diskette. To avoid conversion problems, if documents are produced on PC please also supply a copy converted to ASCII or RTF format. Documents produced on Macintosh should be provided in MS Word or WordPerfect format. Articles for consideration can also be submitted by electronic mail. Authors should check the contents page of the bulletin for the latest e-mail address. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the editor.
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    Book (series)
    Land Reform: land settlement and cooperatives 2008/1 2009
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    The articles in this volume supplement FAO Land Tenure Studies 10, Compulsory acquisition of land and compensation. The latter publication explains what compulsory acquisition and compensation are and what constitutes good practice in this area. This current volumes introductory article provides an overview of these issues. The issue of compulsory acquisition from a human rights perspective is also addressed here as are the concepts of market value, compensation value and just terms co mpensation. Articles that examine national experiences in Argentina, Australia, Belarus, Nigeria, Sweden and Turkey underline the global diversity of compulsory acquisition and compensation issues.

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