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EU Land Governance Programme Transversal Project - Cameroon

LandCam: Securing land and resource rights and improving governance in forest areas of Cameroon

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    EU Transversal support to country implementation - Ethiopia
    Support to Responsible Agricultural Investment (S2RAI) in Ethiopia
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    The Government of Ethiopia strives for increased agricultural production through the modernization and commercialization of the agricultural sector. All land is administered by the state. Large proportions of the land have not yet been developed. However, for the last few years small holders received de facto land ownership through the land certification program. The EULGP CI S2RAI assists the Government of Ethiopia in addressing and removing human and institutional constraints for providing adequate systems. The overall objective is to contribute to improved food and nutrition security by promoting secure land tenure and responsible agricultural investments. The programme aims to establish a conducive and transparent environment for responsible agricultural investments (RAI) while securing the rights of the resident population. Such an environment will ensure that agricultural investments are successful in bringing about the desired developmental effects and in avoiding negative impacts on the surrounding people and nature. *EULGP CI stands for European Union Land Governance Programme – Country Implementation
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    EU Transversal support to country implementation - The Niger 2019
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    Population in the Niger lives mainly in rural areas and access to natural resources is their primary source of food and income. Recurring droughts and demographic pressure contributed to an increase in both frequency and intensity of conflicts between rural population, especially farmers and pastoralists. The legislative and regulatory framework is based on the current system of land and natural resource management, which integrates both customary and written law. The objective of the EULGP CI* is to contribute to secure pastoral land systems in the Niger by improving the recognition and taking into account livestock owners' land rights, securing the areas and resources reserved for livestock farming, preventing conflict related to the use of pastoral resources and strengthening the capacity of actions of the structures of the Code Rural in the domain of pastoral land and the development of Land Use Planning. *EULGP CI stands for European Union Land Governance Programme – Country Implementation
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    EU Transversal support to country implementation - Uganda
    Improvement of Land Governance in Uganda to increase the productivity of small-scale farmers on Mailo land (ILGU)
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    Uganda is a landlocked, agriculture-based country with a total land area of 241,559 sq. km out of which 16 percent is occupied by open water. The Ugandan Constitution (1995) provides for four Land Tenure systems mailo (Central Uganda), lease, freehold and customary (mainly in the North of Uganda). To date, 10 percent of the land is formally documented and 80 percent is under customary tenure. The objectives of the EULGP CI are to improve securing secondary land use rights for bona fide and lawful tenants to support agricultural investments with a long-term perspective of reducing poverty and hunger. Implementation of the law for facilitate responsible land governance. Strengthen of the institutional framework through human capital in land-related sections of district and sub-county administrations. Introduce user-friendly information and communication technology for promoting effective procedures for documenting existing land use rights. *EULGP CI stands for European Union Land Governance Programme – Country Implementation

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