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Perspectives mondiales de l'offre future de bois issus de plantations forestières

Document de travail - GFPOS/WP/03

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Rapport de compilation et d’analyse des données existantes sur le secteur des plantations forestières de Madagascar : Etat des plantations villageoises et familiales malgaches d’aujourd’hui
    EC/FAO ACP Collecte de données - Rapport Technique AFDCA/TR/10
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    This thirty-page report is the third out of three reports written on forest resources in Madagascar. It is aimed at the collection, analysis of data related to the forest plantations sector in Madagascar. Different from the other two reports, it deals with issues related to village plantations and its uses by local families. The report is composed of six main topics dealing with the methodologies used, the surface of the plantations, total volume of these, the commercial aspects, the duration of rotation and the dynamics of reforestation and exploitation. A brief conclusion is given.
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    Le Teck
    Vol. 51- 2000/2
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    Ce numro d'Unasylva s'interroge sur l'avenir du teck, en s'attardant notamment sur la gestion des plantations.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Revue, compilation et analyse des données existantes sur le secteur des plantations industrielles malgaches d’aujourd’hui
    EC/FAO ACP Collecte de données - Rapport Technique AFDCA/TR/09
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    This forty-page paper is the second of three reports on forest resources in Madagascar. It is compose of five main parts focusing on the review, compilation and analysis of data related the industrial forest plantations sector in the country. The main topics discussed are the actual state of industrial plantations, the analysis of trends, etc. A complete conclusion is provided followed by a series of tables in the annexes.

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