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Small-scale fisheries and sustainable development

Key findings from the Illuminating Hidden Harvests report

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    Book (stand-alone)
    The contribution of small-scale fisheries to healthy food systems and sustainable livelihoods in the Southern African Development Community 2024
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    This Small-scale Fisheries Brief is tailored to provide insight into the contribution of small-scale fisheries to healthy food systems and sustainable livelihoods in the the Southern African Development Community (SADC).SADC comprises 16 Member States that lie in southern sub-Saharan Africa. The region is rich in aquatic resources, with vast inland waterbodies and marine waters. The fisheries sector generates immense social, economic and nutritional value, which acts as a lifeline for millions of people within the region. In 2021, over 3.1 million tonnes of fish were harvested from freshwater and marine capture fisheries in the SADC region. Capture fisheries are dominated by small-scale fisheries, with many countries having almost exclusively small-scale fisheries relative to large-scale ones. More than 22.7 million women and men depend on small-scale fisheries for their livelihoods and subsistence.Strengthening the commitment and implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) within national policies and plans can help safeguard and enhance small-scale fisheries’ contributions to sustainable development and food systems in the SADC region. The Illuminating Hidden Harvests initiative has generated new evidence about the value of small-scale fisheries to sustainable development globally and within the SADC; evidence that has informed this brief.
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    Illuminating Hidden Harvests: The contributions of small-scale fisheries to sustainable development
    Executive summary
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    Illuminating Hidden Harvests: the contributions of small-scale fisheries to sustainable development (hereinafter IHH) is a global study uncovering the contributions and impacts of small-scale fisheries through a multidisciplinary approach to data collection and analysis. The study provides information that quantifies and improves understanding of the crucial role of small-scale fisheries in the areas of food security and nutrition, sustainable livelihoods, poverty eradication and healthy ecosystems. It also examines gender equality as well as the nature and scope of governance in small-scale fisheries. The IHH study was carried out in support of the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines), themselves developed in recognition of the plight of small-scale fishers, fishworkers and associated communities and released as a contribution to the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022. This document provides the executive summary of the IHH study.
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    Book (series)
    Evaluation of the project "Creating an enabling environment for securing sustainable small-scale fisheries
    Project code: GCP/GLO/965/SWE
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    It was found that the SIDA-SSF project was robustly designed, relevant and responsive to needs and emerging opportunities to further the implementation of the SSF Guidelines. Most notable achievements include greater awareness of the SSF Guidelines at all levels, the preparation of National Plans of Action for SSF (NPOA-SSF) in selected countries, the operationalization of the Advisory and Regional Advisory Groups under the SSF Global Strategic Framework (SSF-GSF), the Illuminating Hidden Harvests (IHH) study and the celebration of the International Year for Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA) 2022. The elaboration of a monitoring system for the implementation of the SSF Guidelines has progressed. The project has influence in building the capacity of SSF organizations and actors to represent the interests of small-scale fishers and fishworkers at national level and in international fora. Partnerships are a cornerstone of project implementation and enabling to move the SSF agenda forward. Recommendations include actions to be taken by the SIDA-SSF project Core Team and FAO. They emphasize approaches and priorities, thematic areas, collaborations and partnerships, social inclusion and targeting, project administration and oversight, learning and knowledge sharing, and finally the place of SSF in “blue” narratives and initiatives as areas to build on the project results and achieve sustainability and long-term impact.

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