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Sea cucumbers - A global review of fisheries and trade

Toral-Granda, V.; Lovatelli, A.; Vasconcellos, M. (eds). Sea cucumbers. A global review of fisheries and trade. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper. No. 516. Rome, FAO. 2008. 317p.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Putting into practice an ecosystem approach to managing sea cucumber fisheries 2010
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    Boom-and-bust cycles are commonplace in the exploitation history of sea cucumber fisheries but pandemic overfishing to critical levels now threatens the persistence of breeding stocks for future generations of coastal fishers. Resource managers must embrace an ecosystem approach to fisheries, in which biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services and the concerns of stakeholders are taken into account alongside of the productivity of stocks and the economic gains from fishing. This document is an abridged version of FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 520 Managing Sea Cucumber Fisheries with an Ecosystem Approach. This booklet provides a “roadmap” for developing and implementing better management of sea cucumber fisheries. A set of management regulations and actions by the resource manager are needed in all fisheries and will depend on the way in which animals are fished, the status of stocks, and the technical and human resource capacity of management institutions. Als o summarised here are the merits and limitations of potential management regulations and actions by the resource manager, and steps required for their implementation.
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    Book (series)
    Report on the FAO Workshop on Sea Cucumber Fisheries: An Ecosystem Approach to Management in the Indian Ocean (SCEAM Indian Ocean), Mazizini, Zanzibar, Tanzania, 12-16 November 2012 2013
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    The livelihood opportunity that sea cucumber fisheries provide to many coastal fishers in the Indian Ocean is threatened by widespread overfishing.The five-day SCEAM Indian Ocean workshop was held in November 2012 and brought together fishery managers from 14 countries to provide a forum for sharing knowledge and improving management plans in Indian Ocean sea cucumber fisheries. It followed the format of a similar workshop that was held in the Pacific in 2011. Workshop facilitators first present ed background seminars on up-to-date research on fisheries management. The workshop then focused on interactive sessions with workgroup exercises and plenary discussions that helped participants diagnose their fisheries before deciding on appropriate objectives, regulatory measures and management actions. A field day was also included in the agenda to provide hands-on experience in species identification and product processing. The workshop outputs given in this report detail current managemen t practices and constraints in Indian Ocean sea cucumber fisheries and the proposed strategies and research priorities of the participating fishery managers.
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    Book (series)
    Commercially important sea cucumbers of the world 2012
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    This guide book provides information on 60 species of commercial sea cucumbers including annotated scientific illustrations of the body and spicules; colour photographs of live and dry specimen, information on nomenclature together with FAO names and common names used in different countries and regions; basic information on size, habitat, biology, fisheries, human consumption, market value and trade; geographic distribution maps. The volume is fully indexed and contains an introduction, a glossa ry, and a dedicated bibliography.

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