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CFS 2023/51/9 - Reducing Inequalities for Food Security and Nutrition – Draft Conclusions

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    Reducing inequalities for food security and nutrition
    Executive summary of the 18th report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition
    The report “Reducing inequalities for food security and nutrition” has been developed by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE-FSN) following the request by the United Nations Committee on World Food Security (CFS) as included in its Programme of Work (MYPoW 2020-2023). In particular, the CFS requested the HLPE-FSN to develop a report to: (i) analyse evidence relating to how inequalities in access to assets (particularly land, other natural resources and finance) and in incomes within food systems impede opportunities for many actors to overcome food insecurity and malnutrition; (ii) analyse the drivers of inequalities and provide recommendations on entry points to address these; and (iii) identify areas requiring further research and data collection. This report will inform the ensuing CFS thematic workstream on inequalities, aiming at addressing the root causes of food insecurity with a focus on those “most affected by hunger and malnutrition”.
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    Reducing inequalities for food security and nutrition
    A report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition
    The report “Reducing inequalities for food security and nutrition” has been developed by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE-FSN) following the request by the United Nations Committee on World Food Security (CFS) as included in its Programme of Work (MYPoW 2020-2023). In particular, the CFS requested the HLPE-FSN to develop a report to: (i) analyse evidence relating to how inequalities in access to assets (particularly land, other natural resources and finance) and in incomes within food systems impede opportunities for many actors to overcome food insecurity and malnutrition; (ii) analyse the drivers of inequalities and provide recommendations on entry points to address these; and (iii) identify areas requiring further research and data collection. This report will inform the ensuing CFS thematic workstream on inequalities, aiming at addressing the root causes of food insecurity with a focus on those “most affected by hunger and malnutrition”.

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