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Reinforcing global freedom from rinderpest - MTF/GLO/733/OIE

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    Provisional Agenda of the International Meeting on Maintaining Global Freedom from Rinderpest
    Rome, Italy. 20-22 January 2016
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    FAO, with the support of the OIE, is holding an International Meeting (20 -22 January 2016, Rome) of countries that are still storing RVCM in their laboratories along with selected neighbouring countries. The overall purpose of the meeting is to commit countries to destroy their stocks of virus or arrange for its relocation to a FAO-OIE RHF.
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    Maintaining Global Freedom from Rinderpest
    Summary Report of the Meeting
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    The official Declarations of Global Freedom from Rinderpest were made during meetings at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and at the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) in 2011. At these historic celebrations, the Member States of each organisation directed the two organizations to work jointly in managing all aspects of rinderpest in the post-eradication period and they recommended that every country should destroy their stocks of rinderpest virus-contain ing material (RVCM) or sequester them in a secure facility for safe keeping. The African Union (AU) has already shown its support for this process by recommending that all Member States should destroy any remaining RVCM or relocate it to a secure holding facility at the AU Pan African Veterinary Vaccine Centre (Recommendation of the 8th Conference of Ministers responsible for animal resources in Africa, May 2010; Endorsed by the African Union Heads of State and Government, (AU Decision: EX.CL/De c. 610 (XVIII), January 2011).
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    Maintaining Global Freedom from Rinderpest - GCP/GLO/891/USA 2023
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    The world has been free of rinderpest, a highly contagious bovine illness, since 2011, when it was eradicated. Prior to the implementation of this project, an initial Phase I project successfully supported twelve countries in destroying or transferring their rinderpest virus stocks to rinderpest holding facilities (RHFs), among other things. The aim of this Phase II project was to continue to maintain global freedom from rinderpest by: (1) strengthening awareness of clinical signs and impacts of rinderpest re-emergence; (2) coordinating the destruction and consolidation of remaining rinderpest virus containing material (RVCM) into secure RHFs; (3) encouraging unapproved laboratories to destroy and consolidate RVCM stocks in targeted countries; and (4) developing and implementing the Global Rinderpest Action Plan (GRAP). The project was carried out by FAO and the World Organisationfor Animal Health (WOAH) Rinderpest Co-secretariat and their Joint Advisory Committee (JAC).

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