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Technical guidance on fall armyworm

Coordinated surveillance and an early warning system for the sustainable management of transboundary pests, with special reference to fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda [J.E. Smith]) in South and Southeast Asia

FAO. 2022. Technical guidance on fall armyworm – Coordinated surveillance and an early warning system for the sustainable management of transboundary pests, with special reference to fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda [J.E. Smith]) in South and Southeast Asia. Bangkok. 

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    Burkina Faso: Impact of fall armyworm on maize production, livelihoods and food security
    DIEM-Impact report, July 2023
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    Since its appearance in 2016, fall armyworm has spread to many countries and remains one of the main threats to agriculture and food security in Africa. Among the countries affected by fall armyworm in West Africa and the Sahel, Burkina Faso was selected for this assessment based on the production level of maize, level of fall armyworm infestation and associated recorded or estimated crop losses, presence of other shocks and level of food insecurity. In addition, the Cadre Harmonisé analysis indicated that 12 percent of the population was in Phase 3+ over the second half of 2022, the highest in West Africa. This impact assessment follows a methodology developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations' (FAO's) Data in Emergencies Information System (DIEM), articulated in three steps: a household survey, a scouting exercise to measure the level of fall armyworm infestation, and a crop cutting experiment conducted at harvest time to determine the yields. The objective was to assess the impact of fall armyworm on maize production, and the livelihoods and food security of maize farmers in Burkina Faso. FAO established DIEM-Impact to provide a granular and rapid understanding of the impact of large-scale hazards on agriculture and agricultural livelihoods using a variety of assessment methodologies, including primary and secondary information, remote sensing technologies, and FAO’s damage and loss methodology. DIEM-Impact presents a regularly updated and accessible assessment of the state of food insecurity in fragile environments and helps underpin FAO's programming based on evidence.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Burkina Faso: Impact of fall armyworm on maize production, livelihoods and food security
    DIEM-Impact report, July 2023: Executive summary
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    This document is the Executive summary provided in the July 2023 DIEM-Impact report entitled Burkina Faso: Impact of fall armyworm on maize production, livelihoods and food security. Since its appearance in 2016, fall armyworm has spread to many countries and remains one of the main threats to agriculture and food security in Africa. Among the countries affected by fall armyworm in West Africa and the Sahel, Burkina Faso was selected for this assessment based on the data of the Cadre Harmonisé analysis that indicated twelve percent of the population were in Phase 3+ over the second half of 2022, the highest in West Africa. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of fall armyworm on maize production, and the livelihoods and food security of maize farmers in Burkina Faso. FAO established DIEM-Impact to provide a granular and rapid understanding of the impact of large-scale hazards on agriculture and agricultural livelihoods using a variety of assessment methodologies, including primary and secondary information, remote sensing technologies, and FAO’s damage and loss methodology. DIEM-Impact presents a regularly updated and accessible state of food insecurity in fragile environments and helps underpin FAO's programming based on evidence.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    FAO Global Symposium on Sustainable Fall Armyworm Management
    Charting a global response to future invasive pests
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    The fall armyworm (FAW), which originated in the Americas, has invaded more than 80 countries in Africa, the Near East, Asia and the Pacific, and Europe. It reduces maize yields byup to 73 percent and inflicts economic losses worth USD 9.4 billion in Africa alone. To address these challenges, Director-General Qu Dongyu launched the Global Action on FallArmyworm Control in 2019 to coordinate efforts while adopting an integrated pest management (IPM) approach. Since then, FAO has been working with stakeholders andpartners through this programme to reach impact on a scale – at global, regional and national levels. Outcomes were showcased at the FAO Global Symposiumon Sustainable Fall Armyworm Management held in Beijing, China, from 31 October to 2 November 2023. The symposium focused on “Charting a global response tofuture invasive pests” and brought together more than 40 speakers and 200 worldwide participants. They shared their best practices and exchanged valuable knowledge,drawing lessons from the past and laying a robust foundation for the active prevention and sustainable response to future biological invasions. These proceedings reflect this symposium.

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