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Strengthening the Resilience of Pine Forests to Bark Beetle Outbreaks and Associated Dieback - TCP/RER/3801

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Halting bark beetles that cause pine forests dieback in Belarus and Ukraine 2018
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    Pine dieback, caused by bark beetles, is severely damaging Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) in Belarus and Ukraine. Bark beetles usually attack dead or dying trees and serve as primary decomposers. However, under stressful conditions, such as drought or high tree density, they can attack and destroy healthy trees in large numbers, overcoming tree defenses. To face this situation, FAO is providing technical assistance for combating the dieback of pine forests using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies.
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    Reducing Disaster Risks and Strengthening Resilience of Farmers to Natural Hazards in The Western Balkans - TCP/RER/3504 2019
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    The Western Balkans region is prone to natural hazards, such as floods,landslides, droughts and forest fires, as a result of its geological structure,climatic and topographic characteristics. The agriculture sector is negativelyimpacted by these hazards, with damage caused to agriculturalinfrastructure and equipment and losses in crops, livestock, forestry andfisheries. Agricultural sector actors had only limited knowledge, awarenessand capacities to prevent, reduce and prepare for the adverse impacts ofnatural hazards in the short and long term. In this context, the project wasdesigned to strengthen institutional mechanisms with improved technicalcapacities, tools and methods in the Ministries of Agriculture and amongrelated stakeholders in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the formerYugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.
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