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Book (stand-alone)Report of the Twentieth Meeting of the Advisory Committee - BOBP/REP/73
Pulau Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia; March 26-29, 1996
1996Also available in:
No results found.This document records the recommendations of the 20th Meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Bay of Bengal Programme for Coastal Fisheries Management (BOBP), held 26-29 March 1996, in Pulau Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia. The document contains the annual reports (or status reports) of the projects in the Programme. These reports briefly recapitulate the objectives and status of the activities, describe the work and achievements during 1995 and evaluate the progress that was made. Work plans for 1996, where applicable, have been indicated. The report was prepared at the end of 1995 and presented to the 20th Meeting of the Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee is composed of member countries, agencies funding BOBP projects, and the FAO. The Committee meets once a year in member-countries on a rotational basis. -
ProjectFisheries Management and MCS in South Asia: Comparative Analysis. Rome, FAO. 2001
Also available in:
No results found.This document is the result of country review and assessment missions to eleven Asian countries under the Norwegian funded FISHCODE Project GCP/INT/648/NOR) undertaken during January 1999 and October 2000. It focuses on the MCS component of fisheries in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Myamar, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. The intent of the missions was threefold: 1) assess fisheries management and MCS capability; 2) assist where possible in adv ice for immediate MCS steps to enhance current systems, and finally, 3) assess potential regional or sub-regional mechanisms for cooperation in fisheries management, including the MCS component. The report first provides a comparative analysis of the findings of the missions, presents a synopsis of potential regional cooperation and then provides more detailed information and suggestions to enhance MCS on a regional basis. -
Book (stand-alone)Gracilaria Production and Utilization in the Bay of Bengal Region - BOBP/REP/45
Songkhla, Thailand, 23-27 October 1989
1990Also available in:
No results found.This report summarizes the proceedings of an international seminar on Gracilaria production and utilization in the Bay of Bengal, held in Songkhla. Thailand. 23-27 October 1989. It also includes 23 papers presented at the seminar by participants from various countries. A bibliography on Gracilaria, which was prepared in connection with the seminar, is being published separately. The seminar was held to review current status of knowledge on the subject worldwide and to help point future work directions. The seminar and the report on it were jointly sponsored by two projects of the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP)-the Small-Scale Fisherfolk Communities Project and the Post-Harvest Fisheries Project. The Small-Scale Fisherfolk Communities Project of the Bay of Bengal Programme began in 1987 for a duration of five years. It is funded by SIDA (Swedish International Development Authority) and DANIDA (Danish International Development Authority). Its main aim is to develop, demons trate and promote technologies and methodologies to improve the conditions of fisherfolk in seven countries bordering the Bay of Bengal-Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Sri Lanka and Thailand. The Post-Harvest Fisheries Project is executed and funded by the ODA (Overseas Development Administration of the United Kingdom).
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