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Tanzania: Country Programming Framework, Zanzibar Component 2016 - 2018

The CPF was prepared following consultation and agreement with Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, Planning Commission, and Ministry of Finance. Likewise consultative meetings were held with development partners who are located in Dar es Salaam. Development Partners contacted include Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), African Development Bank (AfDB), World Bank (WB), The European Union (EU), Irish Aid, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

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    Tanzania: Country Programming Framework January 2014- June 2016 2014
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    This Country Programming Framework (CPF) presents a new focus in FAO’s field programme for the United Republic of Tanzania, realigning the Organization’s development support to the Government’s revised priority programmes, while contributing to the implementation of FAO’s global Strategic Framework 2010-19. FAO remains fully committed to the United Nations “Delivering as One” approach and the current CPF should be considered a fine-tuning of work agreed upon under the UN Development Assistance P lan (UNDAP) 2011 – 2015/16, which determined the duration of this CPF 2014 – mid 2016.
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    Tanzania: Country Programming Framework 2017 - 2020 2017
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    This Country Programming Framework (CPF) sets out four priority areas to guide FAO support and partnership with the Government of Tanzania - bringing together innovative international best practices and global standards with national and regional expertise during four years from (2017 to 2020). It is an integral part of the UN Development Assistance Plan (UNDAP II) 2016 - 2021, while aligning FAO’s global strategic objectives with the Government of Tanzania’s priorities.

    The CPF was pre pared in consultation with Ministries of: Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries; Natural Resources and Tourism; Lands, Housing and Human Settlement Development; and Industries, Trade and Investment. In addition, other public institutions like Sokoine University of Agriculture; the Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre, and private sector actors including the Agricultural Council of Tanzania and the National Network of Farmers Groups, UN Rome –based agencies, as well as development partners and o ther stakeholders were consulted and their views considered.

    This CPF builds on the experiences of implementing the last CPF 2014 - 2016 and takes into account the findings and recommendations of the Evaluation of FAO’s Contribution to the United Republic of Tanzania (2016) by FAO’s Office of Evaluation, and seeks to strengthen collaboration with other development partners supporting the Government of Tanzania.

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    Lebanon FAO Country Programming Framework 2016 to 2019 2016
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    The CPF-Lebanon 2016–2019 will address two main government priority areas: Government priority one “to expand economic and livelihood opportunities benefiting local economies and the most vulnerable communities” through strengthening resilience of smallholder producers and upgrading capacities for sanitary and phytosanitary control and management of food safety and quality systems; and Government Priority two “to improve performance of the agricultural sector contributing to the economic, social , environmental and sustainable rural development” through supporting improved and innovative sustainable agricultural production, sustainable land, forest and water management, and agricultural value chains development. This CPF will also work to strengthen institutional capacities in data production and policy support in relation to agriculture, food security and nutrition with special focus on gender.

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