Report of the Workshop on Management of the Caribbean Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus) Fisheries in the area of the WECAFC. Merida , Mexico, 4-8 September 2000 / Informe del Taller sobre Manejo de las Pesquerías de Langosta Espinosa (Panulirus argus) del área de la COPACO. Merida, México, 4-8 de septiembre de 2000
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Book (series)WECAFC - Report of the second Workshop on the Management of Caribbean Spiny Lobster Fisheries in the WECAFC Area. Havana, Cuba, 30 September – 4 October 2002. / COPACO - Informe del segundo Taller sobre Manejo de las Pesquerías de la Langosta Espinosa del Área de la COPACO. La Habana, Cuba, 30 de septiembre – 4 de octubre de 2002. 2003
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No results found.The Second Workshop on the Management of the Caribbean Spiny Lobster Fisheries in the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission Area consisted of a Scientific Workshop and a Meeting of Decision Makers. Part I of this document contains the reports of the two meetings. Original language versions of national reports on the lobster fisheries and resources reviewed and completed during the Scientific Workshop are presented in Part II. -
Book (series)Report of the fifth Regional Workshop on the Assessment and Management of the Caribbean Spiny Lobster, Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico, 19-29 September 2006/ Informe del quinto Taller Regional sobre la Evaluación y la Ordenación de la Langosta Común del Caribe, Mérida, Yucatán, México, 19-29 de septiembre de 2006 2007
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No results found.This document reports on the fifth in a series of regional workshops organized by the FAO Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) in cooperation with various regional institutions following on from those held in 1997, 1998, 2000 and 2002 (refer to FAO Fisheries Reports 619, 643 and 715). The goal of each workshop was to build on the information based on the previous workshop. The fifth Regional Workshop comprised two meetings: the scientific meeting which reviewed and updated the st atus of the Caribbean spiny lobster at national, subregional and regional levels; the management meeting reviewed the conclusions and recommendations of the scientific meeting and agreed on strategies to ensure optimal and sustainable use of the resource. Amongst other important recommendations, the management meeting agreed that countries that do not have a minimum size in their regulations that is equal to or above 74 mm carapace length as the minimum size for harvest should make efforts to es tablish this size. In addition to minimum size, the management of fishing mortality was also necessary to achieve sustainable utilization of the resource. -
Book (series)Report on the FAO/DANIDA/CFRAMP/WECAFC Regional Workshops on the Assessment of the Caribbean Spiny Lobster (Panulirus argus). Belize City, Belize, 21 April - 2 May 1997 and Merida, Yucatán, Mexico, 1-12 June 1998. 2001
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No results found.This document consists of three parts. Part I contains the proceedings of the two workshops, including lists of participants and the results of stock assessments by country and/or subregion made during the two workshops. Part II contains a combination of edited national reports in the original language, as presented at the two workshops on the spiny lobster fisheries in the Bahamas, Belize, Bermuda, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Saint L ucia, the USA and Venezuela. It also contains a combined list of all references of Parts I and II. Part III contains nine notes on stock assessment methods applicable to resources of spiny lobsters.
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