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Submissions by members on the draft study on the sustainable use and conservation of microorganisms of relevance to ruminant digestion

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    Sustainable use and conservation of microorganisms of relevance to ruminant digestion 2024
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    The Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, at its Seventeenth Regular Session, adopted its Work Plan for the Sustainable Use and Conservation of Micro-organism and Invertebrate Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. In response to the workplan a study on the use and conservation of microorganisms relevant to ruminant digestion was prepared. The study aims to provide policymakers, researchers and livestock nutritionists and producers with: an introduction to microorganisms of relevance to ruminant digestion and their roles; an overview of trends in the diversity of microorganisms of relevance to ruminant digestion, the significance of these trends, and the factors driving them; an overview of the current status of the sustainable use and conservation of microorganisms of relevance to ruminant digestion worldwide; an overview of the current status of policies, legislation and institutional arrangements relevant to the management of microorganisms of relevance to ruminant digestion worldwide; an overview of organizations relevant to the sustainable use and conservation of microorganisms of relevance to ruminant digestion worldwide, covering gaps and weakness in terms of collaboration in this field, potential means of addressing these gaps and weakness, and an overview of potential ways in which the Commission and its Members could contribute to addressing gaps and weaknesses in the sustainable use and conservation of microorganisms of relevance to ruminant digestion.
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