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Workshop to plan activities for the implementation of the United Republic of Tanzania small and medium pelagic fishery management plan, Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania 3–5 July 2018

​FAO. 2021. Workshop to plan activities for the implementation of the United Republic of Tanzania small and medium pelagic fishery management plan – Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania 3–5 July 2018. Rome. 

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Supporting the implementation of the small and medium pelagic fisheries management plan in mainland United Republic of Tanzania. An initiative by the EAF-Nansen Programme 2021
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    The project ”Supporting the implementation of the United Republic of Tanzania’s small and medium pelagic fisheries management plan“ is an initiative by the EAF-Nansen Programme. The project is based on the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) and focuses on strengthening capacities, structures as well as processes for fisheries management. The project is designed to support the implementation of the plan, mainly through the establishment of a functional Fisheries Management Cycle (FMC). The project contributes to the EAF-Nansen Programme’s intended overall outcomes, in particular on how fisheries management institutions manage fisheries according to the EAF principles, and its relevant indicators. The project is also intended to contribute to the achievement of the following UN’s Sustainable Development Goals: SDG1 ("no poverty"), SDG2 ("zero hunger"), SDG5 ("gender equality"), SDG13 ("climate action) and SDG14 ("life below water").
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    Report of the Meeting on the Small Marine Pelagic Fishery in the United Republic of Tanzania, Bagamoyo, Tanzania, 11–12 August 2015
    GCP/RAF/466/EC SmartFish Project
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    The United Republic of Tanzania (Tanzania) is composed of mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar. Within the union framework, mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar have full mandate for the management of marine fisheries located in their territorial and internal waters. Fisheries operating in the waters of mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar are managed by the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development (MLFD) of mainland Tanzania and the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries (MLF) of Zanzibar. The marine fishery sector plays a significant role in the development of coastal economies in both mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar, with the small pelagic fishery being an important component of the sector. The governance and management system of the small pelagic fishery in Tanzania faces various weaknesses and shortcomings, including the absence of any institutional mechanism to support collaboration between the mainland and Zanzibar. However, the small pelagic fishery is de facto a ‘shared’ fishery amongst the two political and administrative entities. The aim of this meeting was to foster collaboration and contribute to the institutionalization of a dialogue between the two parties for improved governance and management of the small pelagic marine fishery. Representatives of key public and private stakeholders concerned by the development and management of the fishery participated in the meeting. The format of the meeting included presentations of papers aimed at guiding discussions on the current si tuation of the fishery and major issues to be addressed to guarantee sustainability and enhance the contribution of the fishery to local and national economies. These presentations also included a paper on possible collaborative mechanisms for the concerted management of the ‘shared’ fishery. A working group session was also organized to identify priority areas for collaboration on actions of common interest. During the meeting, detailed discussions were held on these different topics. The meeti ng however deplored the lack of data and information on the fishery and its related value chains, as this hampers proper management and results in significant underestimations of the real social and economic performance of the fishery. By the end of the meeting, both parties confirmed the need to set up a collaborative mechanism for the concerted management of Tanzania’s small marine pelagic fishery. Participants also identified the need to establish a specific inter-ministerial committee for sm all pelagic fisheries as the best option for institutionalizing permanent dialogue and promoting priority areas for collaboration between mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar for this fishery.
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    Book (series)
    Legal report on the ecosystem approach to fisheries in the United Republic of Tanzania
    An analysis of the ecosystem approach to fisheries in selected national policy and legal instruments of the United Republic of Tanzania
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    Legislating for the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) is complex, due to the holistic nature of the EAF involving multiple factors that underpin the social, economic, environmental, and institutional aspects of fisheries sustainability. These factors include ecosystems integration, risks, inter-sectoral collaboration, research, participatory processes, monitoring, control, surveillance, and enforcement, among others. To assess how the EAF is being implemented through national policy and legal frameworks, FAO developed A diagnostic tool for implementing an ecosystem approach to fisheries through national policy and legal frameworks. The present legal report on the EAF used the diagnostic tool to assess the alignment of selected policy and legal instruments of the United Republic of Tanzania with the EAF. This assessment analysed the extent to which 82 EAF legal requirements, which are considered the minimum standards in legislating for the EAF, are reflected in Tanzania's policies and legislation relevant to the fisheries sector of the country and other relevant sectors (such as environment, wildlife, ecosystems, and maritime affairs). Based on this preliminary diagnosis, gaps were identified in the assessed instruments, and recommendations were made for improving the implementation of the EAF. This report was elaborated following a participatory approach with the involvement of the national competent authorities of the United Republic of Tanzania. Drafted in July 2021, the report was submitted to the national authorities of the United Republic of Tanzania in October 2021 and, based in the additional information provided, was further revised in May 2022. The Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries endorsed this EAF Legal Report of the United Republic of Tanzania in October 2022.

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