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Strengthening Capacity for Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture: Experiences and Lessons from Lesotho

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    Strenghtening Capacity for Climate Change Adaptation in the Agriculture Sector in Ethiopia
    Proceedings from National Workshop held in Nazreth, Ethiopia
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Adaptation to Climate-Change in Semi-Arid Environments - Experience and Lessons from Mozambique 2012
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    Southern Africa is one of the regions highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Mozambique is one of the least developing countries in the region experiencing this devastating effect on the agricultural livelihood of its rural population. Climate change will have a significant impact on the Limpopo River Basin and its tributaries which flow across the vast areas of the semi-arid plateau of the southern provinces of Mozambique where the United Nations Joint Programme (UNJP) on Environme ntal Mainstreaming and Adaptation to Climate Change is operating. This publication documents the experiences, successes and challenges being faced in implementing the adaptation interventions in one of the remote districts where very few development agencies are operating. It identifies, at farm and community level, adaptive interventions that have been tested and applied and which have shown positive impact on productivity, broadened livelihoods basis, and improved resilience to climate change in the face of current and future climate-related stresses.
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    Strengthening Capacity Building for the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, Climate Change Adaptation and Risk Management - TCP/RLA/3606 2020
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    The risk of disasters in agriculture is increasing as a resultof the growing exposure of people, their livelihoodsand assets, to extreme natural events and climate change.The unsustainable management of natural resourcesreduces the resilience of food systems even further,creating new risks and directly affecting food security.Countries have requested the support of FAO for disasterrisk reduction and to help combat climate change,understanding that the sustainable management ofresources for agriculture and food security is aprerequisite to guaranteeing the resilience of the sector.The objectives of this project were to establishinstitutional arrangements and mechanisms to fostercooperation between countries on these issues, andenhance capabilities for good practice implementation,geared towards bringing about change based on asustainable template for farming production anddevelopment, as an essential requirement toguaranteeing food security for future generations.In addition, the need to reinforce dialogue on, and actionin, regional and subregional areas was proposed to helppromote coordinated initiatives among different countriesthrough specific tools, such as policy, programme andsystem development. This allowed the project to furthertap into existing funding, including for the monitoringand early warning mechanisms for droughts, animalpest and disease control, disaster risk managementand climate change mitigation, for the sustainablemanagement of resources, especially water.

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