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Voluntary Guidelines on National Forest Monitoring

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    Voluntary guidelines on national forest monitoring 2017
    FAO carries out this mandate and seeks to assist countries and the world community by providing relevant, timely, realistic, reliable and useful information for application in reviewing policies, promoting multilateral cooperation and taking appropriate investment actions for the sustainable management of forest resources; and to support international cooperation in harmonizing and sharing multi-country forest resource information in common formats. In this context, the need for voluntary guidel ines on forest monitoring has emerged. It is clear that voluntary guidelines will not solve the lack of information; however it is the key for harmonization and to ensure some degree of reliability of the information. The guidelines aim to present a general framework to compile good practice principles, methodologies and tools for planning and implementing a multi-objective national forest inventory as one of the crucial objectives to allow for collection and provision of timely, comparable and consistent forest related information to help decision makers and inventory experts to establish long-term forest monitoring systems which are grounded in sound practice and defensible scientific rigor taking in consideration the requirements from international reporting requirements (for example for REDD+ or biodiversity).
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    Forest assessment and monitoring 2002
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    The Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000 (FRA 2000) is now completed, but work has already begun on the next global assessment. The expert consultation "Global Forest Resources Assessments - Linking National and International Efforts", known as Kotka IV, brought together international experts in July 2002 to address future concepts and strategies. The articles in this issue of Unasylva are adapted for a wider audience from papers prepared for the meeting. Without going into technical detail, they explore links among assessment and monitoring, national and international information needs, criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management, and reporting of forest-related information to international instruments. The technical details can be found on the FAO Web site ( and will be published in the Kotka IV proceedings.

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