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Training manual on breeding and culture of scallop and sea cucumber in China

Regional Seafarming Development and Demonstration Project

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    Inception report on sea cucumber culture in Laamu Atoll, Maldives 1996
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    Biology and culture of sea bass (Lates calcarifer). Training manual
    Establishment of a Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia
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    Lates calcarifer (Bloch), commonly called the giant sea perch or seabass, is an economically important food fish in the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and the Pacific. It is commercially cultivated in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong and Taiwan, in both brackishwater and freshwater ponds, as well as in cages in coastal waters. Because of its relatively high market value, it has become an attractive commodity of both large to small-scale aquaculture enterprises. Howev er, the major constraint to rapid expansion of seabass culture has been the inconsistent supply of fry collected from the wild. It fluctuates widely from year to year, making forward planning for production difficult. In the early 1970's, Thai scientists have achieved success in the breeding of seabass under captive conditions. Completion of its life cycle has also been accomplished. Growth performance of the hatchery-bred fry has been shown to be comparable with that of fry collected from the wild. Thailand is presently producing more than 100 million fry annually (Anon. 1985), with the Satul Fisheries Station producing more than 30 million (Kungvankij 1984). Thus, the seabass culture industry in Thailand is now assured of sufficient and consistent supply of fry. In order to extend the technology of seabass culture, this manual is prepared to serve as a practical guide for extension workers and farmers. Its contents are based on research findings in addition to many years of accum ulated practical experience and field observations.
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    Hatchery-based seed production of the Japanese scallop, Mizuhopecten yessoensis 2022
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    This guide is intended as a standalone practical manual for the culture of the Japanese or Yesso scallop, Mizuhopecten yessoensis. It is written for hatchery staff as a reference for daily operating procedures and for developing a site-specific and resource-specific seed production strategy. To that end, the whole production cycle is addressed, from broodstock conditioning to transport of seed to the farm. It is the aquaculturist’s decision as to whether all stages are required to achieve the target production in a given site and hatchery facility. Standard and more recent emerging techniques are included where possible, for the equal benefit of low and high technological operations. The manual starts with a brief overview of the anatomy and morphology of the scallop and describes the main organs of the adult specimen and the stages of its life cycle; the anticipated development time between each stage throughout its culture is added for the aquaculturist’s benefit. This is followed by a chapter on the culture of live microalgae for food; different approaches to culturing large-scale microalgae are given, including traditional batch culture to the more recent newly designed photobioreactors. Protocols are given from stock to intermediate microalgal cultures for the inoculation of large-scale vessels. The integration of probiotic bacteria as an alternative to standard antimicrobial drugs is described in a separate chapter; this is a critical component of this manual as it is a current and important shift in sustaining optimal larval and spat performance. The need for biosecurity in a full cycle hatchery operation is emphasized and conceptually illustrated. The culture protocols for scallops start with the holding and conditioning of broodstock; assessments of the gametogenic stage, the manipulation of holding temperature to maintain and/or enhance gametogenesis and food requirements are all discussed to ensure the supply of broodstock for spawning when needed. Larval culture is one of the longest chapter of this manual and describes rearing in both static and flow-through systems with the expected growth and survival rate for the Japanese scallop. Post-larval culture in the nursery chapter is divided into early post-set up to Day-14, rearing of 1 mm spat and raising seed up to 5 mm or more in a land-based environment. The final chapter discusses different strategies affecting the time and size at which seed are transferred out of the nursery facility to either intermediate outdoor nurseries or to the farm sites.

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