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Anticipating food crises – Common principles to address challenges relating to Anticipatory Action

Outcomes of the Anticipating Food Crises workshop, Rome, November 2022

FAO and WFP. 2023. Anticipating food crises – Common principles to address challenges relating to Anticipatory Action. Outcomes of the Anticipating Food Crises workshop, Rome, November 2022. Rome.

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    FAO-WFP Anticipatory Action Strategy
    Scaling up anticipatory actions to prevent food crises – September 2023
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    Recognizing that the increasing number of food crises require resources and capacities far beyond the reach of any individual organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) are partnering together to scale up the reach of Anticipatory Action. This means acting ahead of predicted hazards to mitigate acute humanitarian impacts before they fully unfold. The two agencies are committed to further strengthening collaboration on selected strategic and technical areas that bring out their comparative strengths and maximize the benefit to communities at risk of shocks to their food security. By partnering on scaling up Anticipatory Action, WFP and FAO commit to: 1. jointly deliver a comprehensive set of Anticipatory Action measures to protect people’s food security from shocks; 2. expand the geographic coverage and anticipation for different types of shocks, beyond hydrometeorological hazards, that can be predicted and affect agriculture and food security; and 3. jointly advocate for the mainstreaming of Anticipatory Action within key policies, processes and institutions, including disaster risk management, social protection and climate change adaptation to enable sustainability and greater cost efficiencies.
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    Striking before disasters do – Promoting phased Anticipatory Action for slow-onset hazards
    Position paper
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    Hazards may occur suddenly (sudden-onset) or develop over time (slow-onset) and threaten people’s lives and livelihoods and all the pillars of sustainable development. Since 2016, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has supported extensive country-level work on Anticipatory Action for several slow-onset hazards such as drought, cold waves, pests and diseases, Rift Valley fever and the secondary consequences of COVID-19. This paper summarizes FAO's conceptual and programmatic approach for anticipating and mitigating the impact of slow-onset hazards on the most vulnerable people depending on agriculture for their livelihoods and food security. Drawing on FAO’s experiences in implementing Anticipatory Action and the technical expertise built over decades, it recommends a phased approach to Anticipatory Action for slow-onset hazards as it reduces uncertainties associated with early warning information, improves the targeting of Anticipatory Action interventions and helps adapt the selection of Anticipatory Action options to the evolving hazard context.
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    West Africa and the Sahel: Germany’s contribution through the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA) – Anticipatory Action window 2023
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    In 2022, the West Africa and Sahel region experienced one of the worst years in recent history in terms of humanitarian impacts from floods. The growing frequency, intensity and gravity of climate and weather-related disasters, including floods, are jeopardizing the region’s entire food system and particularly the agriculture sector. Combined with other shocks and risks affecting the region, a new risk of flooding for 2023 may further impact people and their livelihoods. Thanks to the German Federal Foreign Office’s contribution to the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities – Anticipatory Action window, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is scaling up early warning messaging and risk awareness, and safeguarding crops and livestock, to mitigate the impact of flooding on vulnerable communities’ livelihoods and food security.

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