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No free lunches: PES and the funding of agricultural biodiversity conservation. Insights from a competitive tender for quinoa-related conservation services in Bolivia and Peru

Case studies on Remuneration of Positive Externalities (RPE)/ Payments for Environmental Services (PES) Prepared for the Multi-stakeholder dialogue 12-13 September 2013 FAO, Rome

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    Book (series)
    Terminal evaluation of the project “Biodiversity conservation and sustainable use in five macroregions to improve human nutrition”
    Project code: GCP/BOL/046/GFF – GEF ID: 4577
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    The objectives of this project were: keeping agrobiodiversity in situ in five macro-ecoregions and improving the livelihoods of local populations; and managing and taking advantage of agrobiodiversity to sustainably improve food and nutritional security with improved access of Indigenous populations and local communities to nutritional and diversified diets. Some of the highlighted best practices were: the recovery of ancestral knowledge; encouraging the valuing of agrobiodiversity (the promotion of conservation and sustainable use of resources) and food security; the active participation of Indigenous Peoples in the project; and the project contribution to helping close gender gaps. To ensure projects’ sustainability, coordination between the various government agencies with competence in the issue of agrobiodiversity must be encouraged and maintained.
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    Report from the FAO regional policy dialogie on ecosystem services from sustainable agriculture for biodiversity conservation
    Nairobi, Kenya. 25-26 May 2016
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    On 25-26 May 2016, the Plant Production and Protection and Land and Water divisions of FAO Rome convened in Nairobi a Regional pol-icy dialogue on ecosystem services from sustainable agriculture for biodiversity conservation. The event brought together some 50 participants from government agencies, academia, NGOs and FAO country offices, with the overall goals to:
    • Raise awareness on the key linkage between the conservation of agricultural ecosystem services and biodiversity, and the ben efits that ensue from this for agricultural production; and
    • Establish mechanisms for cross-sectoral co-ordination geared towards the formulation of policies that support ecosystem services and biodiversity in Kenya – and more broadly within countries of the East African Community.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    The Plurinational State of Bolivia: Belgium's contribution through the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA) – Anticipatory Action window 2023
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    The population of the Altiplano, mostly indigenous, has the highest poverty rate in the country, and relies on subsistence agriculture as its main livelihood (potato, quinoa, cañahua, barley, oats and alfalfa). This population is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change and faces recurrent threats such as drought, frost and hailstorms that negatively affect their agricultural livelihoods and food security. More than 2 800 communities and 486 000 families in six departments of the Bolivian Altiplano have been affected by these events. In this context, it is imperative to urgently implement anticipatory actions to mitigate climate-induced risks to the livelihoods and food security of the most vulnerable people. To contribute to the achievement of this objective, the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium contributed USD 344 412 to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), through the SFERA programme. Thanks to this generous contribution, FAO will support 6 500 vulnerable households dependent on family farming in the Bolivian Altiplano, with water harvesting storage and supply systems, feeding and animal health actions, as well as distribution of drought-tolerant seeds and agricultural inputs.

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