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Handbook on Food Labelling to Protect Consumers

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    Policy brief
    Front-of-pack nutrition labelling in Latin America and the Caribbean
    Guidance note
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    One of the food and nutrition policies put into place to help address the increasing prevalence of obesity and overweight prevalence in Latin America and the Caribbean includes front of pack nutrition labelling (FOPNL) laws and regulations, which inform the public about the nutritional content of food products and promote the reduction of the consumption of products with excessive amounts of critical nutrients. In Latin America and the Caribbean, ten countries have enacted FOPNL laws or regulations, five implemented them and five are yet to implement them. This guidance note draws from 45 research papers or reports on front-of-pack nutrition labelling systems present in Latin America and the Caribbean. This review of the literature shows that front of pack warning labels perform best in allowing the population to easily and correctly identify products with excessive amounts of critical nutrients and reduce the purchase of such products. In addition, it has been demonstrated that front of pack warning labels do not affect employment or wages in the food sector or other economic sectors. This guidance note also proposes a series of key considerations for the implementation of FOPNL policies. These include, among others: the need to have normative instruments that take into account the objectives and expected results, definitions, mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation, as well as a timeline for implementation. Finally, we recommend evaluating every implementation stage of the FOPNL in regards to the expected results.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Innovations in food labelling
    Woodhead publishing series in food science, technology and nutrition
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    National labelling laws, international norms and guidelines as well as private standards aim to protect consumers from deception and businesses from unfair competition. Food labelling is also becoming a policy tool for motivating change in consumer behaviour and shifts in food production practices. In this process of developing labels, the interactions between private actors and public institutions are dynamic and complex, especially given the need to harmonize labels to facilitate trade . This book provides information about the rights and responsibilities that are the foundation for food labelling, and illustrates how labelling policies are developed. Labelling topics include the Codex Committee on Food Labelling, international trade agreements and human rights, nutrition, allergens, organic, eco-labelling for fish, fair trade, geographic indication and genetically modified foods.
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    Product information and consumer awareness – Section 8 2023
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    This guidance document provides detailed information on how product labelling and consumer education can help reduce incidences of foodborne disease related to food mislabelling or mishandling. Product information, including allergen information, should be available on all food products to help the next operator in the chain of food businesses or the consumer to handle, prepare, display, store and/or use the product safely and correctly. Food safety along the food business chain is ensured when the consumer has enough information to understand the product and to handle the food safely, as instructed. Educating consumers about the types of information on food product labels allows them to make informed choices and makes them aware of the need to follow product instructions to ensure that they prepare the food safely. This publication is part of the FAO Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Toolbox for Food Safety series. The toolbox is a central repository of practical guidance and resource materials to strengthen food safety capacities, both public and private, in order to develop and implement food safety management programmes in accordance with the Codex Alimentarius General Principles of Food Hygiene guidelines (CXC 1-1969). Care was taken to consider the challenges faced by small food business operators and primary producers in low- and middle-income countries, and those with an institutional role, such as government officials, academia and capacity building organizations.

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