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A Digital Global Map of Irrigated Areas (Report N. 1)

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    A Digital Global Map of Irrigated Areas
    ICID Journal, Volume 49, Issue 2
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    A Digital Global Map of Irrigated Areas is a publication related to the GMIA version 1. This paper, published on ICID Journal, 49(2), 55-66, describes the dataset, the data and map sources as well as the map generation, and it discusses the data uncertainty. The digital global map of irrigated areas was developed for the purpose of global modeling of water use and crop production, The map depicts the percentage of each 0.5˚ by 0.5˚ cell that was equipped for irrigation in 1995. It was derived by combining information from large-scale maps with outlines of irrigated areas (one or more countries per map), FAO data on totala irrigated area per country in 1995 and national data on total irrigated area per country, drainage basin or federal state.
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    A Digital Global Map of Irrigated Areas - An update for Latin America and Europe (Report N. 4) 2001
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    This report describes an update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigated Areas for Latin America and Europe. The map depicts the percentage of each 0.5˚ by 0.5˚ cell that was equipped for irrigation in 1995. The first version of the map has been updated and improved for Latin America (including the Caribbean) and Europe, based on 1) new information from FAO's AQUASTAT and FAOSTAT, 20 national data on irrigation in sub-national units, 3) geographic information on the location and extent of irrigated areas and 4) the European land cover map CORINE. The total irrigated area per country has changed considerably in many countries, especially in Latin America where the information acquired by FAO for the new AQUASTAT report is now included. In total, irrigated areas has increased by 0.4% in Latin America as compared to the first version of the map, while it has decreased by 4.5% in Europe. Compared to the first version of the map, the spatial resolution of the input data is much higher, and the new maps show a more disperse irrigation. This documentation also describes the data sources and the generation process of the new maps for Latin America and Europe, and discusses the map quality. Publication details: Kassel World Water Series 4, Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel, Germany, 14 pp + Appendix.
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    A Digital Global Map of Irrigation Areas - An update for Asia (2005)
    Frankfurt Hydrology Paper 1
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    The Land and Water Development Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, are cooperating in the development of a global irrigation-mapping facility. This report describes an update of the Digital Global Map of Irrigated Areas for the continent of Asia. For this update, an inventory of subnational irrigation statistics for the continent was compiled. The reference year for the statistics is 2000. Adding up the irrigated areas per country as documented in the report gives a total of 188.5 million ha for the entire continent. The total number of subnational units used in the inventory is 4 428. In order to distribute the irrigation statistics per subnational unit, digital spatial data layers and printed maps were used. Irrigation maps were derived from project reports, irrigation subsector studies, and books related to irrigation and drainage. These maps were digitized and compared with satellite images of many regions. In areas without spatial information on irrigated areas, additional information was used to locate areas where irrigation is likely, such as land-cover and land-use maps that indicate agricultural areas or areas with crops that are usually grown under irrigation. Publication details: Frankfurt Hydrology Paper 01, Frankfurt University, Frankfurt/M., Germany and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.

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