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FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission to Madagascar, 9 October 2013


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    FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission to Madagascar, December 2010 (Highlights) 2010
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    Thanks to favourable rainfall overall, Madagascar¡¯s 2010 food crop output was generally good, particularly rice, which is estimated to be about 4.7 million tonnes, more than 4 percent over 2009. For the 2010/11 marketing season, the cereals supply and demand balance sheet shows a surplus of rice and root crops in cereals equivalent, but also a maize deficit as a result of lower production in the South, which will be covered by increased consumption of rice. It is estimated that 123 000 tonne s of wheat, which is not grown in the country, will have to be imported. Substantial amounts of rice will also have to be imported again, as has been the case in previous years...
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    Special Report - FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission to Madagascar
    6 August 2009
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    De par sa position géographique, Madagascar subit, chaque année, sans exception, les effets des cataclysmes naturels qui affectent régulièrement différentes régions du pays et la situation alimentaire de différentes couches de la population. Il s’agit notamment de la sécheresse, des cyclones et des inondations. Et comme par le passé, le pays a été frappé en 2008-09 par: - une série de cyclones sur la côte est avec des dégâts considérables sur les infrastructures et les cultures; - une sé cheresse dans la partie sud du pays dont les populations qui font partie des plus pauvres du pays ont déjà été fragilisées par plusieurs années de sécheresse et sont très vulnérables à tout nouveau choc.
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    FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission to DPR Korea, 28 November 2013
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    In the DPRK, despite a small reduction in planted area, overall crop production in 2013/14 is estimated to increase by about 5 percent. 2. A total of 5.98 million tonnes of food output (including paddy, cereals, soybeans, and cereal equivalent of potatoes) from cooperative farms, plots on sloping land, and household gardens for 2013/14 is expected. This estimate includes the 2013 main season harvest that was concluded and the forecast for 2014 early season crops. When paddy is converte d to milled rice and soybeans to cereal equivalent, total food production is estimated at about 5.03 million tonnes. 3. Unusually early and heavy rains in July and early August compromised maize and soybean yields but had little effect on paddy. 4. Soybean production recorded a second consecutive year of decline, due to a 6 percent reduction in yield. Main-season potatoes performed well this year, which bodes well for the seed supply for the 2014 early crop. However, supply of seed s for minor winter and spring wheat as well as barley is a constraint due to declining production over consecutive recent years.

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