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Manual 4. Manual of methods for fish stock assessment. Part 1. Fish Population Analysis.

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    Book (series)
    Introduction to tropical fish stock assessment - Part 2: Excercises 1999
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    A selection of methods on fish stock assessment is described in detail, with examples of calculations. Special emphasis is placed on methods applicable to tropical fisheries, i.e. those based on the analysis of length-frequencies. After a short introduction to statistics, it covers the estimation of growth parameters and mortality rates, virtual population methods (including length and age based methods), gear selectivity, the yield per recruit model of Beverton and Holt, the estimation of maxim um sustainable yield using surplus production models, multispecies and multifleet problems, the assessment of migratory stocks, a discussion on the stock/recruitment relationship and the execution of demersal trawl surveys. The link between this manual and the length frequency stock assessment (LFSA) package of microcomputer programs is explained. The manual is completed with an extensive list of references (including material for further reading), a list of symbols used, a subject index and a n umber of exercises with solutions. Part 2 gives a number of exercises together with solutions. The exercises are directly related to the various chapters and sections of the manual.
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    Book (series)
    Some simple methods for the assessment of tropical fish stocks 1983
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    This selection of methods is based on lecture notes used at a FAO/DANIDA training course held in Mombasa, Kenya, in May-June 1980. The methods presented are: regression and correlation, estimation of growth parameters from length-frequency data, estimation of mortalities (total, natural, fishing mortality) and analysis of catch and effort data. Only methods that are inherently simple and applicable in the tropics are discussed in detail while more advanced concepts su ch as the distinction between different forms of overfishing, stock-recruitment relationships, multispecies interactions are introduced in the form of an essay. A brief annotated bibliography of tropical fish stock assessment is included.
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    Book (series)
    Virtual Population Analysis A Practical Manual for Stock Assessment
    A Practical Manual for Stock Assessment
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    Virtual Population Analysis (VPA) is a widely used model for the analysis of fished populations. While there are very many VPA techniques, they vary in the way they use data and fit the model rather than in the form of the model itself. This manual describes the common VPA model and the assumptions on which it is based, together with descriptions of associated diagnostic procedures and common reference points. More importantly, the manual describes the numerical techniques which can be used to f it the model based on weighted least-squares, which is the basis for the ADAPT approach. The techniques are described so that they are readily implemented in a spreadsheet. General methods and specific examples are given to enable the readers to develop an approach suitable for their own data and fisheries.

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