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Building more sustainable and resilient food system in the Lusaka city region

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Lusaka City Region Food System Assessment Synthesis Report 2019
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    The Lusaka CRFS assessment helped to identify gaps to be bridged and bottlenecks to be opened to create more resilient and inclusive food systems within the Lusaka City Region, and in long term to make the CRFS more sustainable and resilient, and improve the livelihoods of rural and urban dwellers in the city region. It gives special attention to the challenges of how to improve production capacities, access to inputs, sustainability of production practices and market access for the smallholder farmers in urban, peri-urban and rural areas in the city region, with a specific focus on fruit and vegetable value chains. The assessment examined current and future constraints affecting the local and regional food value chain. It used local knowledge to help analyse and prioritize these constraints and explore new ideas to strengthen the sustainability and performance of the food system.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    City Region Food System Assessment and Planning Factsheet - Lusaka (Zambia) 2018
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    This factsheet provides information on the general progress achieved through the City Region Food System project in areas such as food production and distribution, food consumption, food value chain, food waste and loss, as well as climate change adaptation.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Building more sustainable and resilient food system in Kitwe city region 2018
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    The Food for the Cities Programme aims at assessing and planning more sustainable city region food systems (CRFS). It is a global programme implemented by FAO and the RUAF Foundation in eight (8) city regions in the world. In collaboration with the Copperbelt University, a food system assessment was conducted to understand the strengths and challenges faced by the city region. A second phase of policy dialogue and planning was then conducted, involving multistakeholder thematic working groups building up strategies to make the CRFS more sustainable and resilient. This policy brief presents the main outcomes of this assessment and dialogue process, and recommendations for the way forward.

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