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Towards digital inclusion in rural transformation

Hernandez, K., Flynn, J., He, J. & Alsahi, H. 2024. Towards digital inclusion in rural transformation. Rome.

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    Scaling up inclusive digitalization in agricultural value chains
    Thirty-sixth Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (APRC 36)
    In Asia and the Pacific, digital transformation occurs at all stages of the value chains, from food production to consumption. The ongoing food e-commerce revolution is happening at the same time that mobile-based business models are emerging to provide advisory, marketing and financial services at scale to smallholder farmers. A parallel revolution in Industry 4.0 technologies is taking agro-industries to new levels of efficiency. Digitalization offers great potential for improving the efficiency and sustainability of value chains, and achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 2 and 13 (No Poverty, Zero Hunger and Climate Action). There are, however, several risks associated with digitalization, from potential job losses to environmental degradation and data governance concerns. Different value chains, and actors within them, digitalize at varying speeds and would therefore require tailored digitalization strategies to leave no one behind. Policymakers in the region need to facilitate the scaling up of digital innovations along agricultural value chains in an inclusive and sustainable manner, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Members are invited to provide guidance on how FAO can best support them in fostering the inclusive digitalization of agricultural and food value chains.
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    Report of the Asian regional expert consultation on rural women in knowledge society 2003
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    The above consultation, held in Hyderabad, India from 16 to19 December 2002, was designed to address issues relating to two of the most critical components of the digital divide, namely rural communities and women, and to explore with partners the processes, designs and models that can generate positive impacts in harnessing information and communication technologies (ICTs). While there are a number of studies documenting the disparity between rural and urban locations in access to ICTs, far few er studies are available on the gender specific impact of ICTs, especially on women living in rural areas. This report presents an overview of the stakeholders deliberations and recommendations regarding ICTs and rural women, and distance education and rural women, with particular reference to those who have been marginalized in the previous phases of technological revolutions, namely rural communities, illiterate rural women and populations living in resource poor environments and isolate d areas.
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    Status of digital agriculture in 47 sub-Saharan African countries 2022
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    Sub-Saharan Africa is uniquely positioned significantly increase its current agricultural productivity to lift the region’s more than 400 million people out of extreme poverty and improve the livelihood of approximately 250 million smallholder farmers and pastoralists in the region. To achieve that, substantive digital transformation of the agriculture sector is required through improved infrastructure and increased access to and use of digital technologies for agriculture. To improve the current understanding of sub-Saharan Africa’s digital agriculture landscape, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) undertook this study in 47 countries. The report is composed of 47 desk-based country case studies against six thematic focal areas, the aim of which is to present a snapshot of the status of digital agriculture in each country. This is followed by highlights of the main findings of the analysis of the country profiles with suggested steps for future action. The findings of the study are presented to FAO and ITU Member States, as well as all relevant stakeholders with the purpose of advancing and supporting investment in digital transformation of the agricultural sector in sub-Saharan Africa.

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