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Climate change awareness in Lao People's Democratic Republic

Individual household analysis

FAO, CIAT, MAF and MONRE. 2022. Climate change awareness in Lao People's Democratic Republic. Individual household analysis. Vientiane.

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    Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information Systems (SAMIS) to improve adaptation to climate change and food security in the Lao People's Democratic Republic (GCP/LAO/021/LDF)
    ArcGIS training material
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    The project Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information Systems to improve adaptation to climate change and food security in Lao People's Democratic Republic, has arranged training on basic and advanced geographic information systems (GIS) for the staff of the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology and of the Department of Agricultural Land Management in Lao PDR. The folder contains the training materials for materials prepared by the Asian Institute Technology.
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    Atlas of agricultural livelihoods and climate risk of the Lao People's Democratic Republic 2019–2020 2022
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    This Atlas presents the first national dataset on livelihoods and the farmers capacity to adapt to climate change in the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Maps included in the Atlas include the satisfaction of farmers’ basic needs, farmers’ access to the resources needed for innovation and the farmers’ capacity to translate innovation into action. The landscape characteristics mapped include attitudes towards livelihood-related change, economic activity, soil fertility, supporting infrastructure, food security issues, water security, institutional support and extension services, access to climate information through information and communication technologies (ICTs ), market access vis-a-vis production orientation, use of and access to agricultural inputs, livelihood diversification, and dependency on agriculture, including the rearing of livestock and fish. The dataset has been generated using an innovative method that combines participatory mapping and advanced data analysis, and which is, both in terms of technical standard and scientific innovation, state-of-the-art. The livelihood data is available online in the Land Resources Information Management System thanks to the work of two collaborating teams: "Applying seasonal climate forecasting and innovative insurance solutions to climate risk management in the agriculture sector in Southeast Asia” (De-Risk) project, implemented by CIAT; and the "Strengthening Agro-Climatic Monitoring and Information Systems (SAMIS)" project, implemented by FAO.
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    Policy brief
    Climate change and tenure rights: Interlinked challenges in Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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    Asia and the Pacific, home to one quarter of the global population including Lao People’s Democratic Republic, is the region with the highest proportion of weather-related disaster displacements worldwide, experiencing more than 70 percent of storms and half of the floods globally. Such climate change related vulnerabilities pose significant threats to agriculture and food security including drier conditions, higher temperatures, flooding and sea level rise, and make adaptation a high priority. The agricultural sector is considered particularly vulnerable. Temperature rise, floods and extreme weather events are expected to have major negative impacts on agricultural production and food security. Against this background the policy and legal framework in the country is assessed on its preparedness to cope with the changes, risks and opportunities for adaptation and mitigantion actions and the role of tenure in these. A set of country recommendations is provided to enhance the protection of land tenure rights in face of climate change risks and challenges identified and to safeguard tenure rights from the risks posed by the threats of climate change.

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