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Information technologies and standards for agricultural information resources management: AGRIS Application Profile, AGROVOC and LISAGR

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    Towards an infrastructure for semantic applications: Methodologies for semantic integration of heterogeneous resources 2006
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    As with many domains, information retrieval and knowledge management (IR/KM) in agriculture suffers from the problems of semantic heterogeneity, making it difficult for providers to disseminate their services effectively and for users to retrieve the information they need. Based on the analysis of resources in the domain of agriculture, this paper proposes a) application profiles for dealing with the problem of heterogeneity originating from differences in terminologies, domain coverage, and dom ain modelling, and b) a root ontology based on the application profile which can serve as a basis for extending knowledge of the domain.
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    Reengineering Thesauri for New Applications: the AGROVOC Example 2004
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    Existing classification schemes and thesauri are lacking in well-defined semantics and structural consistency. Empowering end users in searching collections of ever increasing magnitudes with performance far exceeding plain free-text searching (as used in many Web search engines), and developing systems that not only find but also process information for action, requires far more powerful and complex knowledge organization systems (KOSs). The paper presents a conceptual structure and transition procedure to support the shift from a traditional KOS towards a full-fledged and semantically rich KOS. The proposed structure also complies with other interoperability approaches like RDFS and XML in the Web environment. AGROVOC, a traditional thesaurus developed and maintained by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, serves as a case study for exploring the reengineering of a traditional thesaurus into a fully-fledged ontology. We start the process of developing an inventory of specific relationship types with well-defined semantics for the agricultural domain and explore the rules-as-you-go approach to streamlining the reengineering process.
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    A Web-based tool to manage multilingual thesauri: the example of AGROVOC 2008
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    10th biennial International Conference (ISKO 2008), August 5th-8th, 2008, Montreal (Canada)

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