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Report of the twenty-seventh Session of the European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission. Hameenlinna, Finland, 24 - 26 October 2012

FAO. 2013. Report of the twenty-seventh Session of the European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission. Hämeenlinna, Finland, 24–26 October 2012. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report No. 1028. Rome. 39 pp.

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    FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report No. 1229
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    The Twenty-ninth Session of the European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission (EIFAAC) was held in Stare Jabłonki, Poland, from 6 to 8 September 2017. The session reviewed the progress in implementing EIFAAC projects in the intersessional period 2015–2017 (since the Twenty-eighth EIFAAC Session) and recommendations from the EIFAAC International Symposium on “Adaptation of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture to Climate Change”. After revising EIFAAC goals and objectives, the session developed a new strategy for EIFAAC 2017–2021, approved a workplan for the intersessional period 2017–2019 and produced three recommendations for the management of inland fisheries and aquaculture in the region. Germany offered to host the Thirtieth Session to be held in September 2019.
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    Report of the Twenty-sixth Session of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission. Zagreb, 17–20 May 2010. 2010
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    The Twenty-sixth Session of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC) was held in Zagreb, Croatia, from 17 to 20 May 2010. The Session reviewed EIFAC’s activities since 2008 in the fields of fishery biology and management, aquaculture, protection of the aquatic environment and social and economic issues. The Session deliberated on the options for the restructuring and improving of the functioning of the Commission and decided that EIFAC should continue as a fishery body under Art icle VI of the FAO Constitution but with an improved structure and modernized Rules of Procedure, subject to endorsement of these decisions by the FAO Council and the Director-General of FAO. All Working Parties and Sub-Commissions were abolished and it was decided to adopt a project approach for future work in relevant fields. The Twenty-seventh Session will be held in 2012.
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    Report of the twenty-eighth session of the European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission, Lillehammer, Norway, 17-19 June 2015 2016
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    The twenty- eighth Session of the European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission (EIFAAC) was held in Lillehammer, Norway, from 17 to 19 June 2015. The Session reviewed the intersessional progress in implementing EIFAAC projects and generated scientific recommendations. The Commission approved a workplan for the next intersessional period.

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