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Şanlıurfa steppe conservation strategy and action plan 2021–2030

FAO and MAF. 2022. Şanlıurfa steppe conservation strategy and action plan 2021–2030. Ankara.

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    National steppe conservation strategy and action plan 2021–2030 2022
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    The project is carried out collaboratively by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks (GDNCNP), General Directorate of Plant Production (GDPP), and General Directorate of Forestry (GDF) with the financial support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF). This project along with the National Steppe Conservation Strategy shows the importance FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry attach to the conservation of Turkey’s rich and vulnerable steppe ecosystems, their sustainable and cooperative management and awareness-raising. This Strategy is instrumental in contributing to the conservation of unique steppe assets possessed by Turkey at national level as well as fulfillment of international commitments such as those arising from the International Convention on Biological Diversity, Aichi Goals of Convention on Biological Diversity and Convention to Combat Desertification. It appears that there are hardly any policies or legal documents directly geared towards steppe ecosystems in Turkey, as opposed to the legal and administrative documents for the conservation and management of mountain-forests, wetlands, and coastal and marine ecosystems. Therefore, the National Steppe Conservation Strategy and Action Plan assumes special importance.
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    Conservation and Sustainable Management of Turkey’s Steppe Ecosystems Project is implemented by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks (GDNCNP), General Directorate of Plant Production (GDPP) and General Directorate of Forestry (GDF) with the financial support of Global Environment Facility (GEF). The project aims to improve the conservation of Turkey’s steppe ecosystems through effective management of protected areas and mainstreaming of steppe biodiversity conservation into production landscapes. Neighborhood guide books were prepared separately for each of the three project sites and aim to provide information about the social, cultural and natural characteristics of the project site settlements, especially about the biodiversity and historical importance of these areas and the life of the local people.
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    Non-thematic issue 1999
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    This issue of Unasylva contains, as promised in the previous edition, additional articles on sustainable mountain development. These articles help to complete the focus on the topic and should also help to promote interest in the recently declared International Year of the Mountain (2000) for which FAO has been designated lead agency status within the United Nations system.

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