Crop Prospects and Food Situation FAO 2024 2024-09-16T12:05:45Z
dc.description.abstract The triannual Crop Prospects and Food Situation report provides a forward-looking analysis of the food situation across the globe, focusing on the cereal production outlook, market situation and food security conditions, with a particular attention on low-income food-deficit countries. FAO assesses that globally 45 countries/territories, including 33 in Africa, nine in Asia, two in Latin America and the Caribbean and one in Europe, are in need of external assistance for food. The severest levels of acute food insecurity are found in territories affected by conflict, including Palestine (Gaza Strip) and the Sudan, where the local population is also facing the risk of famine. Drought conditions in Southern Africa are expected to worsen acute food insecurity conditions in 2024. The report includes the global cereal production forecast for 2024 that scaled up and is now set to exceed the 2023 level.
dc.format.numberofpages 44 p.
dc.identifier.eissn 2707-2231
dc.identifier.isbn 978-92-5-138939-3
dc.identifier.issn 2707-2223
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher FAO ;
dc.relation.ispartofseries Crop Prospects and Food Situation
dc.relation.number No. 02/2024
dc.rights.copyright FAO
dc.title Crop Prospects and Food Situation
dc.title.subtitle Triannual Global Report, No. 2, July 2024
dc.type Book (series)
fao.altmetricbadge Yes
fao.citation <div class="ExternalClassFCE92BC4D12A4D9E9DC6C80C342A200D"><p>FAO. 2024.&#160;<em>Crop Prospects&#160;and Food Situa</em><em>tion&#160;–&#160;Triannual Global Report. </em><em>No. 2, July&#160;2024</em>.&#160;Rome.<br></p></div>
fao.contentcategory General interest
fao.identifier.jobnumber CD1503EN
fao.placeofpublication Rome, Italy ;
fao.sdgs 01. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
fao.subject.agrovoc food crops en
fao.subject.agrovoc crop monitoring en
fao.subject.agrovoc crop production en
fao.subject.agrovoc food supply en
fao.subject.agrovoc food security en
fao.subject.agrovoc conflicts en
fao.subject.agrovoc pandemics en
fao.subject.agrovoc early warning systems en
fao.visibilitytype PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE
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