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Book (series)Terminal evaluation of the project “Sustainable management of bycatch in Latin America and Caribbean trawl fisheries” (REBYC-II LAC)
Project code: GCP/RLA/201/GFF - GEF ID: 621538
2022Also available in:
No results found.The project “Sustainable management of bycatch in Latin America and Caribbean trawl fisheries” was financed by GEF, implemented and executed by FAO. With an overall evaluation rating of Highly Satisfactory, the assessment has identified notable results in strengthening regional collaboration, improving legal frameworks and co-management mechanisms; successful trials of bycatch reduction devices; and building capacity, including of women. The global environment objective (GEO) and the project development objective (PDO) were partially achieved, reflecting the over-ambitiousness of the design. However, the enabling environment created, and the transformational results will contribute towards achievement of these objectives in the long-term. Strategic partnerships and the high level of stakeholder engagement including the private sector contributed to successful delivery. Recommendations include actions to be taken by the project partners and stakeholders to build on the project results to achieve sustainable, long-term impact; thematic areas for follow-up projects; more realistic project objectives and improvement in institutional arrangements and administrative procedures for future projects; sustaining partnerships; enhancing livelihoods and empowerment of women fish workers; and better communication and knowledge management. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetFAO Regional Initiative: Family farming and inclusive food systems for sustainable rural development in Latin America and the Caribbean 2016
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No results found.Since the land reforms of the 1990s, dualistic farm structures characterize the landscape of most transition countries in Europe and Central Asia, with large numbers of small subsistence and semi commercial family farms. Poverty, social vulnerability and other difficulties could prevent rural communities from fulfilling their role as important building blocks of food security. By enhancing productivity and income levels through sustainable intensification of production, better organization, ade quate services and integration into agrifood value chains, this Regional Initiative can contribute to the global goals of eradicating rural poverty and achieving food security and sustainable growth. Activities focus on sustainable management of agricultural land and water resources; sustainable intensification of smallholders’ production; strengthening the organizations of small producers and family farms; and enhancing access to rural services – such as advisory services and micro-loans. -
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