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Draft Report. Report Informal Expert Meeting. Friends of UserRights 2015 (FoUR15)

Borgo di Tragliata, Italy, 19-21 October 2015

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    Book (series)
    Report of the Friends of User Rights 2021 – Online Expert Meeting, 6–9 July 2021 2021
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    The Friends of User Rights 2021 – Online Expert Meeting was organized by FAO to seek the participating experts’ inputs on the work done by the FAO Tenure Team since the last Friends of User Rights meeting in 2019 and guide the way forward on FAO’s fisheries tenure work. The expected inputs from the meeting included (1) review and comment on the draft policy brief of tenure and tenure-related definitions, (2) review and comment on the paper on inland fisheries, and (3) recommendations for the way forward, including next steps and additional activities for the development of guidance on how to design and implement appropriate tenure, access and user rights in fisheries. There was broad agreement among participants that FAO should explore different formats for the papers to contribute to and support technical guidance. Regarding the technical guidance, participants provided several outlines and content options that FAO could use in the future.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Report of the Friends of User Rights 2019 Meeting (FOUR19) 2019
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    The Friends of User Rights 2019 Meeting (FoUR19) was organized by FAO as a follow-up to the conclusions and recommendations coming out of Tenure and User Rights in Fisheries 2018: Achieving Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 (UserRights 2018) in Yeosu, Republic of Korea. The purpose of this meeting was to continue to shape the FAO work programme on fisheries tenure and user rights developments based on the outcomes of UserRights 2018, which were: (1) requests for local work on the ground to develop rights-based fisheries management systems, and (2) the development of Voluntary Guidelines on Tenure and User Rights in Fisheries. There was broad agreement among participants to develop practical guidance on the options and opportunities for fisheries stakeholders to consider when advancing fisheries user rights and tenure. It was recommended that FAO develop a timeline for the way forward to gather regional inputs for such guidance, taking advantage of key regional celebrations/dates. Regarding the development of Voluntary Guidelines on Tenure and User Rights in Fisheries, participants believed it was too early to act given the relative newness of both the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF Guidelines, 2014) and the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT, 2012).
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    Report of Entebbe 2016: Advancing a global work programme for rights-based approaches for fisheries
    Entebbe, Uganda, 1 – 4 March 2016
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    This document is the report of the Global Stakeholders’ workshop Entebbe 2016: Advancing a Global Work Programme for FAO on Tenure and Rights-Based Approaches for Fisheries and was produced with the technical and financial support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The Global Stakeholders’ Workshop was hosted and organized by the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO), which is an institution of the East African Community. The Food and Agriculture Organization ( FAO) of the United Nations provided technical and financial support to Entebbe 2016. The meeting was held at the Imperial Botanical Beach Hotel and Convention Center between the 1st and 4th March 2016 in Entebbe, Uganda. The global workshop followed-up on other events on rights-based approaches for fisheries such as the global forum UserRights 2015 (Siem Reap, Cambodia, March 2015) and the informal think tank Friends of UserRights 2015 (Fiumicino, Italy, October 2015). Next to UserRights 2015 an d Friends of UserRights 2015, Entebbe 2016 took into account the results and information generated by recent consultations supporting the development of the Small-scale Fisheries Guidelines (SSF Guidelines). It specifically addressed issues related to concepts and terminology in fisheries tenure and provided improvements on information and knowledge for improving the global knowledge base on how to improve fisheries tenure on a practical level. The purpose of Entebbe 2016 was to: a) foster a mut ual understanding of the challenges faced by different groups in fisheries communities with regard to rights-based approaches for inland and marine fisheries; b) advance the skeleton global work programme on rights-based approaches in marine and inland fisheries1; and c) review the first part of the document A technical guide to support the implementation of the voluntary guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests in the context of national food security. T he knowledge gained at Entebbe 2016 was used to summarize the report.

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