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Possible RVF activity in the Horn of Africa

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    Rift Valley Fever could spread with movement of animals from East Africa 2007
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    RVF is a per-acute or acute disease of domestic ruminants, caused by a mosquito-borne virus and characterised by hepatic necrosis and internal haemorrhages. The severity and degree of clinical signs may vary according to age or breeds of the animals affected, with infections usually unapparent or mild in adults but high mortality rates in new-born animals and abortions in pregnant animals . RVF is a zoonotic disease and humans become infected through contact with tissues of infected animals or m osquito bites. Infection in humans is usually associated with mild to moderately severe influenza-like illness, but severe complications such as retinal damage and blindness, encephalitis or haemorrhagic disease occur in about 1% of patients. The case fatality rate in humans can be considerable.
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    Book (series)
    EMPRES Transboundary Animal Diseases Bulletin: Issue No. 20 - 2002 2002
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    EMPRES Bulletin publication provides information from different sources on the effective prevention and progressive control of key Transboundary Animal Diseases (TADs), analysing animal disease risks to countries and reporting on progress in the control of such diseases in affected countries.
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