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Report of the roundtable meeting on the integration of disabled people in agricultural and agro-industry systems

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    Mushroom cultivation for people with disabilities: a training manual 2001
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    This manual is based on the experience gained from a project developed by FAO and the Public Welfare Department of the Government of Thailand to restore self-confidence and self-respect to people with disabilities by making them successful entrepreneurs. It describes every step of the training and tasks involved in motivating people with physical and mental disabilities to overcome their handicap and start a profitable mushroom cultivation and marketing enterprise. The manual is meant for use by government and non-governmental organizations working with people with disabilities. The training was developed, tested and revised by a leading Thai mushroom cultivation entrepreneur and an expert from Thailand's Ministry of Agriculture.
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    Enhancing the Development of the Agro-Industry Sector in Ethiopia - GCP/ETH/101/EC 2020
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    Despite the high rates of economic growth recorded over the past 15 years,the Ethiopian economy remains fundamentally agricultural. Structuraltransformation, understood as the transfer of financial and human resourcesfrom the agricultural sector to the industrial sector, modern services andagricultural modernization, is still incipient. To further stimulate thedevelopment of the agro-industry sector, in 2015, the Government of Ethiopiainitiated a policy on the establishment of integrated Agro-CommodityProcurement Zones (ACPZs) and Integrated Agro-Industrial Park (IAIP)Development. Seventeen ACPZs were identified across the country, based ontheir potential for agribusiness development, of which four were selected,located in Oromia, Amhara, Tigray and Southern Nations, Nationalities andPeoples Region (SNNPR). These were related to the four pilot parks to bedeveloped in the first phase (2020-2025). Against this background, theGovernment of Ethiopia requested that FAO provide technical support toprepare Comprehensive Development Frameworks and Investment Plans forthe four pilot ACPZs.
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    Strategic analysis and intervention plan for fresh and industrial tomato in the Agro-Commodities Procurement Zone of the pilot Integrated Agro-Industrial Park in Central-Eastern Oromia, Ethiopia 2019
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    With the current Second Growth and Transformation Plan (2015-2020), the Government of Ethiopia expects the agro-industrial sector to play key role in economic growth of the Country. Accordingly, the creation of Integrated Agro-Industrial Parks has been identified as one of the key mechanisms for accelerating the development of the sector and the structural transformation of agriculture. Agro-industrial parks will play a significant role in transitioning Ethiopia from an agricultural-led into an industrial-led economy. In view of that, the development of Integrated Agro-Industrial Parks has been prioritized in Ethiopia’s national development strategy and four Agro Industrial Growth Corridors have been selected for piloting the establishment of four Integrated Agro-Industrial Parks. The initiative aims at driving the structural transformation of the Ethiopian economy while reducing rural poverty and creating a better environment for increased investments in agro-processing and allied sectors. Since 1981, FAO has been a strong partner of the Government of Ethiopia towards the achievement of national food security and economic growth goals. FAO is working closely with the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources to empower value chain actors and to promote inclusive, efficient and sustainable agricultural value chains. The present document is the fourth one of a series of detailed analyses of prioritized commodities, which will lead to inclusive, sustainable and stronger agricultural value chains in the Agro-Commodities Procurement Zone of the pilot Integrated Agro-Industrial Park in Central-Eastern Oromia.

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