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Evaluation of the project "System for Earth Observation Data Access, Processing and Analysis for Land Monitoring" (SEPAL)

Project code: GCP/GLO/537/NOR

Management response

Follow-up report

FAO. 2022. Evaluation of the project "System for Earth observation data access, processing and analysis for land monitoring". Project Evaluation Series, 08/2022. Rome.

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    Project "Sustainable forest management under the authority of Cameroonian councils" (GCP/CMR/033/GFF; GEF ID: 4800) was financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented by the FAO along with the Ministry of Forests and Wildlife (MINFOF) the Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED), and the Association of Forest Communes of Cameroon (ACFCAM) as well as other national partners as executing agencies. The final evaluation found the project was highly relevant to the needs of national governments and of Cameroonian councils, the FAO, and GEF despite gender and indigenous peoples’ issues not being prioritized. Significant capacity building of local council officials, Peasant Forest Committees (PFCs) and Council Forest Cells (CFCs) were achieved on sustainable forest management issues and carbon management. However, due to significant delays, internal governance conflicts and personal issues within the FAO and between national government partners and executing agencies, the landmark paradigmatic change in forest management approach, whereby council forest management plans would integrate sustainable forest management, biodiversity conservation and carbon management components have not been achieved. Project gains are likely to continue beyond the project but this is contingent on actions taken to address financial, institutional, social and environmental risks.

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