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SFERA Communiqué – Belgium – South Sudan

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    South Sudan: Belgium's contribution through the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA) 2023
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    The outbreak of conflict in the Sudan has driven over 5.4 million people to flee in search of safety. Of this total, over 290 000 have sought refuge in South Sudan – a place many had once called home; a place many had already once fled. But refugees and returnees arrived in a fragile humanitarian situation, where a cascade of overlapping crises, have strained local communities’ access to food and basic necessities. Thanks to the generous support from the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium, through the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities, FAO is providing emergency livelihood kits to 9 000 food‑insecure returnee and host community households (54 000 people) in South Sudan to cope with strained resources, as well as boost households' agricultural and fish production. This document provides a brief description of the current context of the intervention and highlights the importance of the contribution in enhancing the resilience of the affected communities.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    The Sudan: Revised Humanitarian Response Plan 2023 2023
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    The ongoing conflict in the Sudan, which erupted on 15 April, has worsened an already fragile food security situation. Prior to the crisis, one in four people faced acute food insecurity due partly to instability, economic decline and high food prices. An estimated 2.1 million people have since been displaced leaving their homes in search of safety, including 467 000 people who have fled to neighbouring countries for refuge. As the lean season approaches and challenges arise in transporting humanitarian goods across borders, it is crucial to urgently provide agricultural humanitarian assistance to mitigate the impact of displacement, trade disruptions and surges in food and fuel prices on vulnerable populations. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) seeks to work with local actors and partners to save lives, ensure access to food and improve livelihoods in the Sudan. This document provides an overview of FAO's component of the 2023 Revised Humanitarian Response Plan for the Sudan. FAO requires USD 95.4 million to assist 15 million people.
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    South Sudan Situation Report – May 2017 2017
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    Famine is ongoing in Unity State, with one in five households affected in Leer. Since the declaration of famine on 20 February, there has been a massive response from the international community. Despite this, the food crisis continues to worsen, as many have faced severe food insecurity for over a year. The situation is likely to deteriorate in Jonglei and Upper Nile in the next three months, with some pockets of northern Jonglei becoming increasingly isolated. The first rains arrived on time, and drought is abating in the semi-arid southeast of the country, providing much needed relief for Greater Kapoeta and Pibor. The IPC is currently being revised and the latest analysis will be released in the first week of June. Displacement figures continue to rise, as of the end of April, 1.9 million people were internally displaced within South Sudan, and a further 1.83 million people have fled to neighbouring countries. The South Sudanese Pound (SSP) has devalued, as the economic crisis cont inues.

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