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Regional Implementation Plan for the Asian Soil Partnership. December 2016

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    Report of the Third Asian Soil Partnership Workshop "Towards a Regional Implementation Plan for Asia". Bangkok, Thailand, 14-16 December 2016 2016
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    Asia is the Earth’s largest and most populous continent of the world, located primarily in the eastern and northern hemispheres. With approximately 3.9 billion people, the population density of the region is as high as 1.87 person ha-1, which is much higher than the world average of 0.54 person ha-1. Recognizing the risk for soil degradation in the region, the Bangkok Communique (May 2015) reported that soil degradation due to soil erosion (onsite and offsite effect), soil pollution, soil organi c matter and carbon depletion, soil sealing/capping, soil compaction, and soil acidity, salinity and alkalinity, is negatively affecting food production and associated food security, national economies, provision of ecosystem services, adaptation to climate change, and increasing poverty. The situation is being aggravated by climate change and unsustainable soil management practices partially resulting from the rapid economic development and urbanization characterizing some countries in the regi on. In order to preserve and increase soil health, and stop and revert soil degradation, the following priorities were identified: - Promotion of sustainable soil management (SSM) practices at all levels and in all land use types; - Restoration/rehabilitation of degraded soils with focus on soil erosion, nutrient imbalance, soil acidification, soil salinity and alkalinity, soil pollution, and loss of organic carbon; and - Enhancement of soil information by using state of the art methods of dig ital soil mapping and advocating for having national soil information systems. Addressing these priorities encompasses various aspects falling into the Five Pillars of Action of the Global Soil Partnership (GSP). At this regard, this implementation plan identifies outcomes and activities per each pillar, which are considered priority in this first phase of establishing the Asian Soil Partnership (ASP). It is envisaged that funding for these activities will be secured by capitalizing on existing in-country initiatives and activities, as well as by actively sourcing additional external funding.
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    Regional Implementation Plan of the Eurasian Soil Partnership: towards sustainable management of soil resources 2014
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    This work is the result of the efforts of many international and regional soil experts unified by the FAO Global Soil Partnership (GSP). Scientists from Eurasian region met in Moscow Conference (November 20th, 2013) and, with the support of the FAO GSP Secretariat, analyzed the state of soil degradation and soil management in Eurasian region. On the first Plenary Meeting of the Eurasian Soil Partnership in Samarkand (10-11 September, 2014) they used the endorsed Plans of Actions (PoAs) of the FA O Five Pillars and formulated the Regional Implementation Plan of the Eurasian Soil Partnership (EASP) showing strong will to protect the soil resources in the region and globally. The report contains the Regional Implementation Plan (RIP) developed in close cooperation with the Eurasian Five Working Groups formed during the conference and the focal points of GSP from the Eurasian countries. It includes participatory regional implementation plan defining outcomes, activities, actors, period and potential donors, partners and implementation risks.
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    Global Soil Partnership. Regional Implementation Plan of the NENA Soil Partnership: towards sustainable management of soil resources 2015
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    This work is the result of the efforts of many international and regional soil experts unified by the FAO Global Soil Partnership (GSP). Experts from Near East North Africa (NENA) region met in Amman Conference (1-3 June 2015) and, with the support of the FAO GSP Secretariat, analyzed the state of soil degradation and soil management in NENA region. They used the endorsed Plans of Actions (PoAs) of the FAO Five Pillars and formulated the Regional Implementation Plan of the NENA Soil Partnership (RSP) showing strong will to protect the soil resources in the region and globally. The report contains the Regional Implementation Plan (RIP) developed in close cooperation with the NENA Five Working Groups formed during the conference and the focal points of GSP from the NENA countries. It includes participatory regional implementation plan defining outcomes, activities, actors and partners, time frame and potential resources partners, partners and implementation risks.

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