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Book (series)Report of the Intersessional Meeting of the Aquaculture and Fisheries Subject Groups of the Coordinating Working Party on Fisheries Statistics – Twenty-eighth Meeting of the Fisheries Subject Group and Seventh Meeting of the Aquaculture Subject Group, Virtual Meeting, 2–5 November 2021 2022
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No results found.This document is the report of the twenty-eighth meeting of the Fisheries Subject Group and Seventh Meeting of the Aquaculture Subject Group, held during the intersessional meeting of the Aquaculture Subject and the Fisheries Subject Groups of the Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics (CWP), which was held online on 2–5 November 2021. The meeting reviewed progress made since the twenty-sixth session of the CWP and in particular in the activities of five task groups which are developing statistical concepts and measures of catch and fishing effort, a standard for reference harmonization, enhancements in workflow between national and international organizations, best practices in data confidentiality arrangements, and the aquaculture section of the CWP Handbook on Fishery Statistics. The CWP, supported by the participating organizations, serves as the premier international and inter-organizational forum for agreeing common definitions, classifications and standards for the collection of fishery and aquaculture statistics. It provides a mechanism to coordinate the statistical programs conducted by intergovernmental organizations including regional fishery bodies with a remit for fishery statistics. Twelve CWP member organizations participated in the meeting with another regional organization participating as observer. -
MeetingCoordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics. Intersessional Meetings of Aquaculture and Fisheries Subject Groups. Eight Meeting of the Aquaculture Subject Group (AS) and Twenty-Ninth meeting of the Fisheries Subject Group (FS), 20–24 June 2022. Progress report of the CWP ad-hoc Task Group on Aquaculture 2022
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MeetingCoordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics. Intersessional Meetings of Aquaculture and Fisheries Subject Groups. Eight Meeting of the Aquaculture Subject Group (AS) and Twenty-Ninth meeting of the Fisheries Subject Group (FS), 20–24 June 2022. Electronic Monitoring And Reporting Information System (e-MARIS) - A comprehensive reporting system for IOTC 2022
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