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Indonesia - A standard statistical system for current fishery statistics in Indonesia. A report prepared for the fisheries development and management project

Yamamoto, T. 1980. Indonesia - A standard statistical system for current fishery statistics in Indonesia. A report prepared for the fisheries development and management project - Field document 7. 85 p.

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    Indonesia - Improvement of milkfish pond production in Jepara, central Java. A report prepared for the brackishwater shrimp and milkfish culture applied research and training project 1979
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    This is one of a series of field documents prepared during the course of the UNDP project identified on the title page. The conclusions and recommendations given in the report are those considered appropriate at the time of its preparation. They may be modified in the light of further knowledge gained at subsequent stages of the project. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Unite d Nations or the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal or constitutional status of any country, territory or sea area, or concerning the delimitation of frontiers.
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    Fisheries development and management project, Indonesia. 1973 fishery census of Indonesia, survey methods, mode of analysis and major findings 1980
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    The 1973 fishery census of Indonesia was undertaken by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) in close collaboration with the Directorate General of Fisheries (DGF). It primarily covered the marine fishery and brackish water fish culture in Sumatra, Java and Bali. However, owing to the poor coverage of the marine fisheries using powered boats, the CBS fishery census was supplemented by an additional marine fishery census undertaken by the DGF. Both censuses were taken by means of sample census s urveys, as described in this report. The main characteristics of the fishery census are: The CBS fishery census was undertaken within the framework of the 1973 agriculture census, and therefore took full advantage of the findings of the latter. As a result, not only the total population size was known in magnitude, which was needed for the calculation of estimates in the sample censuses, but also a useful sampling frame for subsequent surveys became available. The design of the census ques tionnaires was made by taking into account the tabulation programme and subsequent data analysis. This made it possible to make useful analyses of the findings. Until data from the fishery census became available, very little was known statistically about the fisheries in Indonesia. A full analysis of the census data provided a good deal of useful information which is indispensable for the planning and other aspects of the national fishery development programme. The report explains how the 1 973 fishery census of Indonesia was undertaken. The census methodology adopted was not always ideal and several simple but basic difficulties were encountered. These are illustrated herein. This report should be useful in the planning and implementation of similar census operations in other countries.
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