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Book (stand-alone)The AGRIS Centre at Kasetsart University: Implementing the new vision 2005
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No results found.AGRIS, the international information system for the agricultural sciences and technology, was established by FAO over 30 years ago as an international initiative to build a common information system for science and technology in agriculture and related subjects based on a collaborative network of institutions. To date, 240 national, international and intergovernmental centres participate. Thailand was quick to become an active partner in the AGRIS network, with the Thai National AGRIS Centre cel ebrating its 25th anniversary in 2005. Capitalizing on new advancements made in communication technologies in the 1990s, a "new vision for AGRIS" was developed which allowed for decentralization, strengthened capacity building, emphasis on full text documents and use of web-enabled tools with a focus on the establishment of standards for effective exchange and retrieval of information. One of the first institutions to take up the new vision was the Thai National AGRIS Centre. This report describes the work and experiences of the Thai national AGRIS Centre in adopting the new AGRIS strategy, with the intention that it may serve as a useful reference for other organizations seeking to do the same. -
ProjectD7.1.2 Revised specifications of user requirements for the Fisheries, case study
NeOn: Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies, Integrated Project (IST-2005-027595). Priority: IST-2004-2.4.7,
2008Also available in:
No results found.This document revises and updates the user requirements for the Fisheries case study (WP7) originally prepared in D7.1.1 (in M7). As highlighted in the introduction (Chapter 1), the purpose of this deliverable, 22 months after the launch of the NeOn project, is to refine the user requirements for the WP7 case study. This refinement of the user requirements is also meant to enhance the alignment of the case study with the NeOn project and better contribute to it as a whole. The user r equirements for the Fisheries ontologies lifecycle management system are presented in Chapter 2. This chapter also includes an updated description of user’s roles and requirements for ontology engineers and ontology editors. The requirements for the FSDAS are revisited in Chapter 3. That chapter covers the general characteristics of the FSDAS (i.e., its scope, perspective, features), the refinement and extension of the functional requirements, its foreseen user types, and a number of u ser interface issues and non-functional requirements. Conclusions are presented in Chapter 4. This deliverable also includes five annexes with additional detailed information. Annex A provides a summary of the requirements presented in Chapter 2, together with their mapping to the NeOn architecture. Annex B traces all changes to requirements, scenarios and uses cases from D7.1.1 until now. Annex C consists of tables that are meant to help the reader trace the changes (modifications /refinements) with respect to the requirements presented in D7.1.1 and D7.5.1. Finally, Annex D and Annex E list the revised use cases and the new use cases for FSDAS respectively. -
Book (stand-alone)From thesauri to Ontologies: A short case study in the food safety area in how ontologies are more powerful than thesauri From thesauri to RDFS to OWL
From thesauri to RDFS to OWL
2004Also available in:
No results found.This short case study will show on the basis of a simple example taken from the Food Safety area, how ontologies differ from thesauri. The example will start with showing an extract from the AGROVOC thesaurus, and exploring the information that can be extracted from here. We will then develop this example further in order to show growing functionality and expressive power first in RDFS and finally in OWL ontologies.
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