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Food Security and Humanitarian Implications in West Africa and the Sahel. N°56 - May 2014

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    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    Food Security and Humanitarian Implications in West Africa and the Sahel. N°52 - January 2014 2012
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    In West Africa and the Sahel, cereal harvests have allowed prices to decrease across markets. However, prices are higher than their five-year averages (especially for millet and sorghum), which negatively affects vulnerable households depending on markets to meet their food requirements. Zones that experienced erratic rainfall during the rainy season, causing poor harvests and pasture deficits, will face an early lean season affecting mainly the most vulnerable households. The effects of poor ha rvests are starting to be observed in some areas in Mali (Mopti and Bandiagara), Mauritania (agropastoral, rainfed and suburban livelihood zones), Niger and Chad (Wadi Fira). The situation needs to be closely monitored to avoid any further deterioration of the food security situation. A good off-season agricultural campaign will be crucial for the people depending on agriculture in the Sahel, particularly for those that were affected by poor harvests earlier this year.
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    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    Sécurité alimentaire et implications humanitaires en Afrique de l’ouest et au Sahel. N°56 - Mai 2014 2014
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    La campagne agricole 2014-2015 commence à s’installer dans la région accompagnée de fortes pluies dans les pays du Golfe de Guinée et une situation acridienne calme. Le déficit de pluviométrie actuellement observé au Ghana et au Nigéria devra être suivi dans les prochains mois. Concernant les pays du Sahel, en plus des zones ayant connu des déficits de productions, la période de soudure est déjà présente pour la majorité des ménages ruraux. Les prix des céréales en hausse comparés à la moyenne q uinquennale dans la majorité de la région entraineront des difficultés d’approvisionnement pour les ménages pauvres, qui auront besoin d’assistance. La situation dans les régions de Wadi Fira et Bahr-El-Ghazel au Tchad, dans le cercle de Bandiagara au Mali, au Sénégal, en Mauritanie qui ont connu des déficits de production et au Niger avec le déficit de fourrage enregistré doit être surveillée de prés. A cause de la hausse des prix, les ménages les plus pauvres au Ghana font également face à des problèmes d’accès à l’alimentation.
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    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    Food Security and Humanitarian Implications in West Africa and the Sahel. N°82 April - May 2017 2017
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    The 2016 - 2017 agricultural campaign is marked by the end of off-season crop operations. Market gardening supply remains moderately available in the markets. The period is also characterized by the 2017 - 2018 campaign preparations. As part of the 2017 - 2018 campaign preparation, the synthesis of the forecast by the Agrhymet Regional Center dated 3 April 2017 indicates that it is more likely that the rainfall for the main rainy season are overall average to a slight below average in the Southe rn of the Gulf of Guinea countries and overall above average in Sudano-sahelian Africa countries. In Chad, the pastoral situation is worrying in Ennedi East, Ennedi West, Ouaddai, Sila, Kanem and Bahr-El-Gazal regions due to the depletion of fodder resources and water points. The regions with decline cereal production (Tandjilé, Mayo Kébbi Est and Wadi Fira) will experience more difficulties during the lean season. Cereal stocks are declining throughout the region. In most Sahelian countries (Ma li and Niger for example), millet and sorghum prices increased in April 2017.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    Food Security and Humanitarian Implications in West Africa and the Sahel. N°52 - January 2014 2012
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    In West Africa and the Sahel, cereal harvests have allowed prices to decrease across markets. However, prices are higher than their five-year averages (especially for millet and sorghum), which negatively affects vulnerable households depending on markets to meet their food requirements. Zones that experienced erratic rainfall during the rainy season, causing poor harvests and pasture deficits, will face an early lean season affecting mainly the most vulnerable households. The effects of poor ha rvests are starting to be observed in some areas in Mali (Mopti and Bandiagara), Mauritania (agropastoral, rainfed and suburban livelihood zones), Niger and Chad (Wadi Fira). The situation needs to be closely monitored to avoid any further deterioration of the food security situation. A good off-season agricultural campaign will be crucial for the people depending on agriculture in the Sahel, particularly for those that were affected by poor harvests earlier this year.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    Sécurité alimentaire et implications humanitaires en Afrique de l’ouest et au Sahel. N°56 - Mai 2014 2014
    Also available in:

    La campagne agricole 2014-2015 commence à s’installer dans la région accompagnée de fortes pluies dans les pays du Golfe de Guinée et une situation acridienne calme. Le déficit de pluviométrie actuellement observé au Ghana et au Nigéria devra être suivi dans les prochains mois. Concernant les pays du Sahel, en plus des zones ayant connu des déficits de productions, la période de soudure est déjà présente pour la majorité des ménages ruraux. Les prix des céréales en hausse comparés à la moyenne q uinquennale dans la majorité de la région entraineront des difficultés d’approvisionnement pour les ménages pauvres, qui auront besoin d’assistance. La situation dans les régions de Wadi Fira et Bahr-El-Ghazel au Tchad, dans le cercle de Bandiagara au Mali, au Sénégal, en Mauritanie qui ont connu des déficits de production et au Niger avec le déficit de fourrage enregistré doit être surveillée de prés. A cause de la hausse des prix, les ménages les plus pauvres au Ghana font également face à des problèmes d’accès à l’alimentation.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    Food Security and Humanitarian Implications in West Africa and the Sahel. N°82 April - May 2017 2017
    Also available in:

    The 2016 - 2017 agricultural campaign is marked by the end of off-season crop operations. Market gardening supply remains moderately available in the markets. The period is also characterized by the 2017 - 2018 campaign preparations. As part of the 2017 - 2018 campaign preparation, the synthesis of the forecast by the Agrhymet Regional Center dated 3 April 2017 indicates that it is more likely that the rainfall for the main rainy season are overall average to a slight below average in the Southe rn of the Gulf of Guinea countries and overall above average in Sudano-sahelian Africa countries. In Chad, the pastoral situation is worrying in Ennedi East, Ennedi West, Ouaddai, Sila, Kanem and Bahr-El-Gazal regions due to the depletion of fodder resources and water points. The regions with decline cereal production (Tandjilé, Mayo Kébbi Est and Wadi Fira) will experience more difficulties during the lean season. Cereal stocks are declining throughout the region. In most Sahelian countries (Ma li and Niger for example), millet and sorghum prices increased in April 2017.

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