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The Group Promoter’s Resource Book

A practical guide to building rural self-help groups

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    Book (stand-alone)
    The group savings resource book
    A practical guide to help groups mobilize and manage their savings
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    Experience has shown that group saving approaches can help the poor save more efficiently, especially when access to saving facilities, such as banks or other financial services, is difficult. By saving in a group, the poor can gain access to a alrger amount of pooled resources than they could if they saved on their own. Group savings also help groups become financially stronger and more sustainable. This book provides useful guidance on how to strenghten capacities to accumulate productive c apital through savings activities with new or existing self-help groups.
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    Community forestry participatory assessment, monitoring and evaluation 1989
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    This concept paper on participatory assessment, monitoring and evaluation is a result of a literature survey that revealed that there are few action-oriented publications which not only tell the reader what participation is, but also tell the field worker how to get to know, work with, and build on the enthusiasm of rural people. The paper was developed by D'Arcy Davis-Case, a forester who specializes in grass-roots participation. Some of the background information and underlying concepts for this publication come from collaborative work that was done by CARE, The Ford Foundation and six NGO projects in Africa. They developed case studies to analyse information gathering, analysis, and dissemenation. They are continuing to work together to test new participatory tools and approaches to development. Ms. Davis-Case is currently finalizing an accompanying field manual which will translate the approach presented here into a form appropriate for use by field staff and community leaders.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    The People's Participation Programme in Africa 1994
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    This report describes a participatory development methodology pioneered since 1982 by the FAO People's Participation Programme. FAO believes that the grassroots approach described here could energize a vast reservoir of human resources, providing developing countries with a key to generating rural employment, achieving food self-sufficiency, slowing the rural-urban exodus and building national self-reliance.

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