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Burkina Faso | Response overview October 2019

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    Burkina Faso | Emergency response and support to improve the resilience of vulnerable populations in at-risk areas
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    In Burkina Faso, the 2017/18 agropastoral campaign was marked by food and biomass deficits, the effects of which were exacerbated by the fragile situation in the country. Since January 2019, insecurity has continued to worsen due to recurrent attacks perpetrated by non-state armed groups, triggering massive population displacements, thus exacerbating the vulnerability of communities further resulting in increased humanitarian needs and significant challenges for the country. Thanks to funding from Sweden, FAO is supporting 18 700 households through various activities (cash-based interventions, agricultural and livestock production support) in order to meet their immediate needs, while ensuring that the root causes of their vulnerability are addressed in order to reduce dependency on food aid.
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    Burkina Faso - Joint response 2019-2020 2019
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    Since the beginning of 2018, Burkina Faso has been facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. The rapid deterioration of insecurity has resulted in the displacement of nearly half a million people. Difficult field access, the destruction of production infrastructures, livestock loss and looting, as well as the intensification of intercommunal conflict, hinder market functioning and led to the deterioration of households’ livelihoods. FAO and WFP together with their partners have been providing an immediate response to the most vulnerable households through food assistance and agropastoral production support. In view of growing insecurity and population displacements, the two agencies are working closely with the ministries of the food security and nutrition sector in order to invest in agricultural and livestock production, which is essential to prevent a further deterioration of the crisis. Until the end of 2019, the priority is to support vulnerable pastoralists and agropastoralists through market gardening and livestock activities during the dry season, an important opportunity to increase food production and prepare for the next rainy season.
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    The Niger and Burkina Faso: Sida’s contribution to the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA) – Anticipatory Action window 2022
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    The Sahel region is experiencing a food crisis, with 38.3 million people projected to be in acute food insecurity during this year’s lean season (June–August 2022) – a fourfold increase compared with 2019 – and millions more at risk of slipping into a crisis situation or worse. The effects of climate change in the region are worsening irregular rainfall and climatic shocks such as floods. Both Burkina Faso and the Niger are especially vulnerable to flood risk. Thanks to the contribution of the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) to the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA) – Anticipatory Action window, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is acting early in flood-prone areas in the Sahel through cash assistance, capacity building and veterinary support to protect the assets and livelihoods of vulnerable pastoralists.

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