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Gender inequalities in Rural Employment in Ghana - an overview

Ghana country profile

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    Gender inequalities in Rural Employment in Ghana - policy and legislation
    Ghana Country Profile
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    Poverty in Ghana continues to be extensive, particularly for farming households. Low agricultural productivity and the lack of decent work opportunities, along with a poorly educated workforce pose great challenges for poverty eradication. The lack of comprehensive policy formulation and legal mechanisms hamper efforts to promote social and gender equality in rural labor markets. Policies that take into account the multiple dimensions in which social and gender inequalities interact, partic ularly in rural areas, will support decent employment initiatives and income generating activities. The Ghana profile on policy and legislation developed by the Gender, Equity and Rural Employment Division (ESW) of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations aims to improve the understanding of the available policy and legislation mechanisms that are relevant for addressing gender and social inequalities in rural labor markets.
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    Tanzania Mainland country profile: gender inequalities in rural employment in Tanzania Mainland, an overview 2014
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    This country profile, prepared by the Social Protection Division (ESP) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), aims to contribute to a better understanding of the types and the degree of existing employment-related gender inequalities in rural settings of Tanzania Mainland and highlight key areas of attention for policy makers conducive to poverty reduction and food security. It constitutes an important added value to existing sources, most notably because it provid es rural-specific information and cross-examines different dimensions of inequality. The country profile assesses the nature and degree of existing gender disparities in employment and income in rural areas, linking them to factors such as education, age and wealth when possible. Tanzania Mainland remains a primarily rural country with an agriculture-based economy and significant rural-urban and regional socio-economic disparities. It is widely recognized that improving the performance of the ag riculture sector is critical for poverty reduction and food security. At the same time, a body of evidence has demonstrated that the underperformance of the agriculture sector is partially due to the existing gender inequalities in access, use and control of assets, resources, and services, including rural employment. Women, particularly in rural areas, are often disadvantaged in terms of decent work and income generating opportunities owing to limited access and control over resources, includin g education and training, land and decision-making powers. Rural women face greater difficulties in translating their labour into gainful and productive work that could ultimately lead to a reduction of poverty and enhancement of food security. Agriculture is the largest sector of employment in Tanzania Mainland, with the vast majority of rural women and men employed in agriculture, mostly as self-employed on their own farms. The present country profile identified persisting gender inequalities in Tanzania Mainland, particularly in terms of access to productive resources, income generating and employment opportunities, time-use patterns and educational possibilities.
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    Gender inequalities in Rural Employment in Malawi - an overview
    Malawi Country Profile - overview
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    This country profile aims to contribute to a better understanding of gender inequalities in rural settings in Malawi, and to serve as a policy support tool to better integrate gender equity and decent rural employment in agriculture and rural development policies and programmes. Malawi is a predominantly rural country with an agriculture-based economy. Rural areas in the country are characterized by poverty and a lack of decent work opportunities, the majority of which are in the agricultur e sector. Women are often more disadvantaged when it comes to decent work opportunities and face greater difficulty translating their labour into paid work and their paid work into higher and more secure incomes, which would ultimately lead to enhanced food security. Efforts are therefore needed to promote gender equity in policies and programmes, in order to support decent employment in rural areas.

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