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No Thumbnail AvailableBook (stand-alone)Improving the quality and safety of fresh fruits and vegetables: a practical approach
Manual for trainers
2004Improving the quality and safety of fresh fruits and vegetables: a practical approach Manual for trainers The manual to «train the trainers» provides guidelines and training materials to conduct practical and participative workshops, with an integrated and multidisciplinary approach to quality and safety of fresh fruits and vegetables. It focuses on the practical application of technical concepts, supporting the implementation of quality assurance and safety initiatives for fresh fruits and vege tables, from private and public institutions at the local, regional, national and governmental levels in each country. The contents were validated by different subregional workshops held in several Latin American countries with the final text incorporating the recommendations and contributions resulting from these workshops. -
MeetingOfficial Food Control and Legal Foundations in Germany
Prepared by Germany
2004Also available in:
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Book (stand-alone)Proceedings of the FAO/AFMA workshop on quality and safety in the traditional horticultural marketing chains of Asia 2006
Also available in:
No results found.Thanks to increased agricultural production and better marketing facilities, poverty and food insecurity are less of a problem in many Asian countries than was the case a few years ago. The new preoccupation of countries in the region is on quality and safety. FAO has been working to improve quality and safety in Asian countries through a wide range of interventions to enhance their capacity to meet international food quality and sanitary and phytosanitary standards, and to establish and maintai n appropriate regulations, monitoring and surveillance. One such intervention is the programme on enhancing food quality and safety by strengthening handling, processing and marketing in the food chain, under which the above workshop was carried out. Held in Bangkok, Thailand from 7 to 10 November 2005, it was the first attempt by FAO to approach quality and safety issues from a marketing perspective. The main issue considered was: What are the constraints faced by farmers and traders in the tra ditional horticultural supply chains to bring safe and quality produce to market? This report provides summaries of the 21 papers and country case studies discussed which focused on identifying ways to overcome constraints on improving traditional marketing channels (complete case studies are provided in the annexes). Conclusions and recommendations are also included in the report.
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