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Minimize the Impacts of Drought on Livestock Herders by protecting livestock-livelihoods of vulnerable food-insecure households in Afghanistan

Project fact sheet

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    Safeguarding agriculture livelihoods and rebuilding near-term resilience of drought-impacted vulnerable and food insecure households in Afghanistan
    Project fact sheet
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    The project Safeguarding agriculture-livelihoods and rebuilding near-term resilience of drought-impacted vulnerable and food insecure households in Afghanistan – OSRO/AFG/006/USA is assisting smallholder and food-nutrition insecure rural households in three provinces, by using the following assistance modalities: wheat cultivation, livestock protection, home gardening, poultry keeping, cash-for-work, unconditional cash transfers, training and COVID-19.
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    Afghanistan: Minimizing secondary impacts of COVID-19 on agricultural livelihoods of food insecure households through Anticipatory Action 2022
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    In early 2020, a scenario analysis on the expected secondary impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in Afghanistan pointed to a potential disruption of agricultural livelihoods and a further deterioration in food security. Those impacts included restricted or constrained access to markets for agricultural inputs; reduced sales of live animals or livestock by-products; restrictions to transhumance and hence restricted access to fresh pastures for livestock. It was anticipated that households who were already food insecure, or on the border line, could resort to negative coping mechanisms. Thanks to the contribution of the German Federal Foreign Office, the Anticipatory Action window of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations' (FAO's) Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA-AA) was activated in June 2020 to protect livelihoods and food security in rural areas. Acting early supported pastoralists and labourers in Afghanistan to mitigate negative secondary consequences of COVID-19 on food security.
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    Anticipatory livelihood protection to minimize drought impacts and safeguard food security
    Project fact sheet
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    This project fact sheet summarizes the key aspects of this project Anticipatory livelihood protection to minimize drought impacts and safeguard food security, objective, budget, geographical scope, people assisted, assistance modalities, crosscutting issues and SDGs contribution. The key objective of this project is to provide emergency livestock protection and cash-based assistance for safeguarding food and nutrition security, while ensuring emergency agriculture livelihoods protection to mitigate the impacts of drought.

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