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Update on the development of the new FAO Strategy on Climate Change

Thirty-session Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (APRC 36)

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    FAO Action Plan 2022–2025 for the implementation of the FAO Strategy on Climate Change 2023
    The elements of the Action Plan are derived from the Theory of Change anchored in the Strategy. The Action Plan is therefore articulated around the three pillars and six outcomes of the Strategy. In addition, and with the aim to provide more clarity, action areas have been introduced to cluster the outputs, which are concrete results contributing to each outcome of the Strategy. The outputs are formulated based on the FAO actions listed in section IV “Three pillars for enhanced action” of the Strategy. In the following matrix of outcomes and outputs, each output is cross-referenced with the relevant PPAs and SDG targets it contributes to achieve, in line with the FAO Strategic Framework. Similarly, each action area is being monitored by an indicator from the updated results framework 2022–2025. These indicators have been selected according to their linkage to the action area to best illustrate the contribution of the Action Plan to the implementation of the Strategic Framework. Based on the nature of the action area (technical vs functional), these indicators are either key performance indicators (KPIs) or output indicators from the PPAs.
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    Update on the development of the new FAO Strategy on Climate Change—Information Note 1 – December 2021
    Thirty-sixth Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (APRC 36)
    At the 166th Session of the Council, FAO Members requested “inclusive consultations ahead of the 168th Session of the Council to start the development of the new FAO Strategy on Climate Change which aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), based on the three dimensions of sustainable development and shared goals and cooperation towards the 2030 Agenda, the Paris Agreement, and the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development.” The 168th Session of the FAO Council held from 29 November to 3 December 2021 discussed extensively the “Update on the development of the new FAO Strategy on Climate Change” (CL 168/21) and supported the Annotated Outline of the new Strategy. This Note supplements the Update on the development of the new FAO Strategy on Climate Change that is scheduled for discussion in the Regional Conferences (CL 168/21) by providing an overview of the 168th Council conclusions that guide the development of the new Strategy and suggesting actions by the Regional Conferences. In their Council deliberations, several FAO Members underlined the importance of considering the diverse contexts, specificities, priorities and capacities across regions, countries and the local level in developing the new Strategy.
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    Book (series)
    Evaluation of FAO’s support to climate action (SDG 13) and the implementation of the FAO Strategy on Climate Change (2017) 2021
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    This evaluation assesses the extent to which FAO adopted an effective, coherent and transformative approach to its work on climate action from 2015 to 2020, by contributing to the achievement of SDG 13 targets and the Paris Agreement. The methodology included portfolio analysis, quantitative content analysis of over 500 documents, participatory stakeholder workshops, desk reviews, interviews with 488 stakeholders, analysis of key FAO products, 3 global surveys, and 13 country case studies. The evaluation’s findings are (i) FAO’s Strategic Framework is aligned with SDG 13 and the Paris Agreement. However, FAO has not expressed a long-term vision on its leadership role in agriculture for climate action; nor does FAO governance yet reflect a clear and strategic focus on its mission on climate action; (ii) The 2017 Climate Change Strategy has effectively supported FAO’s work, but it is not fully integrated into corporate decision-making; (iii) FAO has made relevant contributions by supporting national capacity building for climate action; (iv) FAO’s contributions to SDG 13 and the uptake of products and tools are not systematically monitored and reported; (v) There is little alignment of portfolios between divisions and no systematic approach to trade-offs. Consequently, the root causes of climate change on agriculture are not being addressed in an integrated way; (vi) FAO has strong capacity, but the current business model results in uneven distribution of human and financial resources and in fragmented, short-term projects reach; (vii) FAO contributed to climate adaptation and mitigation by collaborating with Members and other partners, although it has engaged less in innovative partnerships with the private sector, financing institutions and civil society; (viii) FAO has progressed on the inclusion of gender-specific climate action initiatives. The recommendations of the evaluation include developing a corporate narrative on climate change and food systems; formulating a new Climate Change Strategy and action plan; improving the climate change labelling of its project portfolio; mainstreaming climate action into all offices, divisions and levels, and including coordination and guidance to embed procedures in the project cycle, quality assurance and learning mechanisms; adopting a climate action-focused programmatic approach; running an assessment to identify capacity gaps, needs and opportunities and, accordingly, strengthening the capacity of staffing, funding and inter-office communication; enhancing its partnerships and seeking out innovative partnerships; and mainstreaming the core “leave no one behind” by including women, youth, the extreme poor, indigenous peoples and other vulnerable groups.

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